Better Bonds

Better Bonds Family Friendly Dog Training with Professional Dog Trainer, Sonny KPA-CTP. Sonny has been training f

Baby Woltkamp will be here soon so hurry & book your day train before time runs out! ⭐️Message me today to set up a cons...

Baby Woltkamp will be here soon so hurry & book your day train before time runs out!
⭐️Message me today to set up a consultation to see what program would best fit you & your family! 🐶💜

⭐️Are you a busy professional or parent who doesn’t have time to train your dog? We totally get it- sometimes life just gets in the way. We have the solution for you- In Home Day Training.

⭐️ Let professional trainer, Sonny Woltkamp KPA-CTP, do the work-not you!

⭐️ Your pup conveniently gets to stay in the comfort of their own home, while I do the training.

⭐️Choose from 2, 3, or 4 week programs. All programs include a consultation session, 3- 45 minutes training sessions each week, and a transfer of skills session at the end of each week.

⭐️Programs are specifically tailored & fine tuned for each families individual needs. Work on things from loose leash walking, coming when called, and greeting guest politely. The choice is up to you!

💜Spots are limited- Now Booking for January! Contact us today to reserve your spot!

What an excellent example of the many ways to get the kids involved in the training! My kids LOVE helping with meal prep...

What an excellent example of the many ways to get the kids involved in the training! My kids LOVE helping with meal preparation & feeding the dogs!

It’s so important to work WITH or dogs, not against them. We work as a TEAM!

It’s so important to work WITH or dogs, not against them. We work as a TEAM!

If a dog you're training isn't responding to your cues, you'll need to ascertain if you've got a "why" problem or a "what" problem.

Is the dog simply not motivated, or is he confused about what to do? This is important, because the solutions to each problem are very different.

If you've got a "why" problem, you must address motivation before attempting to train any further. Next week, we'll share some short term and long term fixes for motivation problems. But for now, test it by offering the dog a freebie. If he refuses it, you've got a "why" problem.

If he takes the freebie enthusiastically but won't work for it, then you've got a "what" problem. The dog would very much like what you're offering but he isn't sure what you'd like him to do. This often comes down to a criteria-setting error on the trainer's part.

We'll share some strategies for addressing "what" problems later this month.

⭐️Day Train student, Louie, took his skills out in public today! We had some noisy dogs in the area but Louie did such a...

⭐️Day Train student, Louie, took his skills out in public today! We had some noisy dogs in the area but Louie did such a great job checking back in with mom!

⭐️If you’re interested in training be sure to sign up for a consultation soon! Last day to sign up before baby arrives is April 10th!


⭐️ Training is meant to be FUN!

💜Here we are working with Day Train student, Nova!

⭐️After just one week Nova & her family are making great strides! We are working with her NOT BOLTING out the doors, a huge safety issue! We also working on not jumping on our guests.

⭐️We are achieving these goals by working on place on her Klimb & slowly adding in duration, distance, & as shown DISTRACTION!

⭐️Yes, if you train with me I’ll make you dance & groove & have fun with your pup! This helps them work through other distractions they may face, like someone fun at the door or unpredictable children running around!

⭐️Interested in privates or day training!? Get signed up soon!

⭐️Due to a new Woltkamp baby arrival, New clients will not be accepted from April 25 until Mid September. So get signed up now!

👏 Just because you ask your dog to do something, doesn’t mean THEY MUST DO IT. Listen to Kristen from Angelic Paws Dog T...

👏 Just because you ask your dog to do something, doesn’t mean THEY MUST DO IT.
Listen to Kristen from Angelic Paws Dog Training !
⭐️Something else is happening that is resulting in them not responding to your cue!
💜Love her Myth Mondays!

⭐️Yes!! This is something we talk about in all of our puppy classes & even our adult sessions!

⭐️Yes!! This is something we talk about in all of our puppy classes & even our adult sessions!

The objective of socializing puppies is to increase their optimism in relation to how they view their world.

In their socialization period, our goal is to have all things new associated with positive outcomes. This is how we teach puppies to feel safe long term and is achieved partially through a procedure called classical conditioning: where event A reliably predicts event B, event B being something the dog LOVES. The end result is called a positive conditioned emotional response, aka a +CER.

A conditioned emotional response is an automatic response the dog has learned by association to past experiences. It is not thought about, it is an emotional state and an automatic reaction.

With puppies who have recieved lots of this like Rory, pictured, they begin to develop a positive outlook of the world. Things that could have been scary are now things to feel joy about.

Today I got an exceptional shot of this process on display and working beautifully. Rory has lots of experience with new things predicting good outcomes as a result of his extensive socialization. In this moment he is encountering a garbage truck, something many dogs find alarming. Not Rory! Rory has been conditioned to have an automatically "happy" feeling when seeing this big green machine. So what's that look like? Joy! Anticipation of event B - food! "I see it! Yay!" We've achieved this by consistently following novelty with high value food. Do you see how he's now anticipating a good outcome? This is what we want for all puppies.

When they're babies, we have the unique opportunity to make new things a good experience, before negative opinions are formed. This is the gift of the socialization window and why it's so critical to prioritize socialization for puppies. We can actually create an optimistic worldview, and it's the greatest gift we as humans can give them. The feeling that they are safe.

So if you've got a puppy, NEVER EVER leave home without amazing food. Anytime they experience something new, immediately feed them. It's undesirable for them to experience a lot of fear, so know your dog. If they do get overwhelmed, you'll still feed them, but you'll do so while immediately moving to a distance that they feel safe again.

When using Conditioning procedures, the food is *not* contingent on a behavior. You're not waiting for them to DO something, and you're not looking for a specific outcome from them. It's always event A (new stuff) = event B (good stuff -- chicken, cheese, etc.).

I try to explain what a +CER looks like to my students all the time. Well, here is a great example, and thank you Rory for your excitement at seeing the truck!

💜Chloe & I really enjoyed learning at Angelic Paws Dog Training Loose Leash Walking Class! 💜We learned some new & valuab...

💜Chloe & I really enjoyed learning at Angelic Paws Dog Training Loose Leash Walking Class!

💜We learned some new & valuable information & now are resting the night away!
Thanks Kristin!

Great points from Angelic Paws Dog Training !

Great points from Angelic Paws Dog Training !


🤷‍♀️Often clients will say, “I don’t understand why he won’t listen on walks, he’s so good at home”. I have also heard, “My dog is just stubborn and doesn’t want to listen”.

🐶Dogs can become easily distracted just like toddlers. Your dog also may not have been taught how to do the things you want him/ her to do in different places. They can also be so overwhelmed in an environment that they literally cannot hear you as their brain is focusing on so many other things.

🐾Dogs do not generalise behaviours like people do. If I taught you how to change a tyre, I would probably only have to show you a couple of times. You then would be able to do it anywhere, no matter the place or weather conditions, whether you’re with other people or not.
If you teach your dog something, you would have to teach him/ her in a low distracted environment like a room of your house, then in the garden, then down the road, then in a park, again, in a different park etc…. This would all need to be done while the dog is in a relaxed emotional state so learning can take place.

👍Training should always be done in a fun way so it’s not boring for the dog. If you are trying to get your dog to come when called then you will need to teach your dog that you are more fun and rewarding than what they are doing. No matter what your dog has done, or how upset you are with him, NEVER call your dog in an angry voice. This will most likely teach your dog to avoid you… would you want to avoid your mom yelling at you and rather go play with your friends in the sandpit? On another note, I would want my dog to come to me because he wants to, not because he is scared of what will happen if he doesn’t.

🍗Whatever you want to teach your dog should be worth it for the dog, the same as you will go to your job to get paid your salary. The harder the job the higher the pay. The reinforcement can be whatever your dog is into, tug with his favourite toy, high-value food like cheese, sausage, ham, etc…

🐕Reward your dog for his attention, the more you reinforce a desired behaviour the more likely the behaviour will occur in the future. It takes patience and practise as well as understanding that your dog is not a robot.

Tomorrow classes begin! Get signed up now if you haven’t already!

Tomorrow classes begin! Get signed up now if you haven’t already!

We are now offering new classes. Loose lead walking and recall classes. It will be at Better Bonds dog training center. Message me to sign up.

If you need a different time contact us and we can see how we can help.

⭐️This is so important to remember! Let’s respect our dogs and set them up for success!

⭐️This is so important to remember! Let’s respect our dogs and set them up for success!

If your dog loves your child, count yourself lucky.
If your dog is tolerant of anything your child can dish out, count yourself lucky.

But just because your dog CAN put up with your kids doesn't mean that they should have to.
Even the most tolerant of dogs should not be treated as furniture.

💜Meet Louie😍⭐️Louie is an Airedale Puppy in our Day Train program! He is learning to greet guest calmly, and walk nicely...

💜Meet Louie😍

⭐️Louie is an Airedale Puppy in our Day Train program! He is learning to greet guest calmly, and walk nicely on a leash.

💜After only 3 sessions, Louie & his mom are making great progress! It’s been so fun getting to know this team!

⭐️Great work, Louie & Mom!

💜Day Train student, Sammy, has been doing so well learning place! Today he practiced his duration of place while I moved...

💜Day Train student, Sammy, has been doing so well learning place! Today he practiced his duration of place while I moved around the room.

⭐️After learning place we can apply this as an alternative behavior to jumping on guests or chasing our kitty siblings!

💜So proud of you, Sammy!

Have you signed up for one of Kristin’s classes yet!? You don’t want to miss this! Message us or her to get signed up!

Have you signed up for one of Kristin’s classes yet!? You don’t want to miss this! Message us or her to get signed up!

We are now offering new classes. Loose lead walking and recall classes. It will be at Better Bonds dog training center. Message me to sign up.

If you need a different time contact us and we can see how we can help.

A good read about what is happening to your adolescent pup!

A good read about what is happening to your adolescent pup!


Adolescence is a distinct phase of development that has been identified in many mammals, and as many dog owners know, it can be a tough time for both the dog and their owner. Characterised by increased risk taking, increased social interaction, and increased emotional responsiveness, the adolescent period is often considered an important time for animals to become more independent of their caregiver. The exact timing of adolescence can vary between dogs; however, most dogs reach social maturity at some point between 12 and 24 months of age (Harvey, 2021).

On an evolutionary level, this increased independence would make sense as it would be smart for offspring to push away from their parents as this would allow them to leave the family group and spread their genes further (and prevent inbreeding).

Adolescence is also distinct from puberty. Puberty is the period of sexual maturation triggered primarily by hormonal changes. In male dogs this occurs between 6 and 9 months of age, and in female dogs this occurs between 6 and 16 months (Harvey, 2021). However, adolescence still occurs in neutered dogs despite the absence of sexual hormones indicating these are very much separate processes.

We also know that the relationship owners have with their dog impacts their dog’s behaviour during adolescence. Asher et al. (2020) that dogs that had insecure attachments to their owners were more likely to ignore cues during adolescence than dogs with secure attachments. Similarly, they also identified that dogs with insecure attachments reached puberty more quickly than securely attached dogs.

How can we support our dogs during adolescence?

Given what we know about the importance of the relationship between dogs and their owners for responsiveness during adolescence, building a strong attachment with your dog during puppyhood is key. This can be done by being sensitive to your puppy’s needs especially if they are distressed, avoiding aversive training methods, and by introducing your puppy to lots of positive experiences.

It is also important to consider that adolescent dogs are likely to be far less tolerant of frustration. Galvan et al. (2006) identified that in the face of getting a less-than-expected reward, the levels of activity in a reward centre of the brain called the nucleus accumbens drop below normal levels, meaning it can actually have a punishing effect. This is not something experienced by adults and children.

This may explain why adolescent dogs are so susceptible to frustration based problems when they are not allowed to play with a dog they have seen in the park, or if they do not get as long playing as they expect, or if someone tries to take away their food (don’t try it)! To manage this, we may be better off setting up our adolescent dogs for disappointment free situations, perhaps planning activity times and locations more carefully. Similarly, if social play is highly rewarding for your adolescent dog, rather than preventing it, you may be able to use it to reward a behaviour you want such as recall, if you have other dogs, you can walk socially with.

We are also challenged further by the maturity of the striatum, a brain region strongly linked to a number of emotional systems including pathways involving reward and fear (Casey & Jones, 2010). This is paired with the immaturity of another brain region, the prefrontal cortex (PFC) which is involved in more “logical” thinking and the regulation of emotional response pathways (Casey & Jones, 2010). This means, that adolescents experience strong emotions without always having the brain capacity to regulate them and are very likely to struggle with impulse control.

This has a number of effects. Firstly, adolescents take much longer to recover from a stressful experience than adults and it takes more energy for them to control their emotions. This means they need more recovery time after stressful experiences and more relaxation breaks during the day to avoid becoming stressed.

Secondly, this particularly seems to affect the social cognition of adolescents. With Orobio de Castro et al. (2002) suggesting that children were more likely to judge other’s intentions as hostile during early childhood and early adolescence. This may go a long way to explaining the seemingly sporadic “fear periods” often identified in dogs and is again something we can manage by setting up carefully monitored social opportunities with regular friends during these periods to prevent incidents.

And finally, they also don't have a brain structure that makes controlling their impulses easy. In fact doing so is counterinuitive. So is impulse control really something we should be training in adolescents? Or should we just manage the situation better to prevent them from being exposed to things that may trigger impulsive behaviour during the adolescent period?

Clearly, there is much more to learn about adolescence in dogs. However, with the tips above, we hope that you find navigating this difficult period a bit easier!

Full references available on our website

And for more dog behaviour content, check out our upcoming webinars


There is so much fun you can do with your dogs! It was so fun reviewing this Trick Dog submission! Kristin & Jupiter are always so amazing to watch! 🤩

💜I always talk to my students about being advocates for their dogs, especially when working with fearful dogs or dogs wi...

💜I always talk to my students about being advocates for their dogs, especially when working with fearful dogs or dogs with anxiety.
⭐️Dog Body Language is the key to understanding our dogs & setting them up for success!

Thanks to Umemama ( for this nice infographic on dogs reaching threshold.

⭐️HUGE SHOUTOUT TO HALI & HER DAD! They completed their Better Manners course tonight🤩💜This family has been so dedicated...

⭐️HUGE SHOUTOUT TO HALI & HER DAD! They completed their Better Manners course tonight🤩

💜This family has been so dedicated & have worked so hard to do what is best for Hali & their hard work shows!

⭐️I am so proud of Hali & her family & I am so excited to see what else she can accomplish! Keep up the great work!

💜Meet Sammy! Sammy is a French bulldog in our Day Train program. He learning how to leave his kitty siblings alone & be ...

💜Meet Sammy! Sammy is a French bulldog in our Day Train program. He learning how to leave his kitty siblings alone & be polite around guests.

⭐️Sammy did spectacular on his first day & I can’t wait to continue to watch him learn & grow!

💜Contact us today to see if Day Training is right for your pup! We’d love to hear from you!

⭐️A huge congratulations to this fantastic team, Jupiter & Kristin of Angelic Paws Dog Training, for passing their Ameri...

⭐️A huge congratulations to this fantastic team, Jupiter & Kristin of Angelic Paws Dog Training, for passing their American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen test today!

💜Jupiter & his mom are such a fun pair to watch & are so in tune with each other. 🤩

⭐️Cannot wait to watch the two of you continue to do great things together! Keep up the fantastic work!

💜Congratulations to Riley & her mom for completing their 6 weeks Better Manners course. ⭐️You guys make a compassionate ...

💜Congratulations to Riley & her mom for completing their 6 weeks Better Manners course.

⭐️You guys make a compassionate & understanding pair. You both have done wonderful getting to know each other better!

💜SO PROUD OF YOU! Keep up the great work!


This is another piece of well-meaning but incorrect advice that we hear a lot.

If you're looking for help socializing your dog, instead try:
🐶 one on one play with appropriate, social, adult dogs
🐕. observe dogs from a distance + tasty treats

If your dog is really struggling, then try:
🧍Working with a certified, experienced dog trainer. Look for initials like CPDT-KA/KSA, CDBC, KPA CTP.

📖. Trainer not an option? Check out "Fired Up, Frantic and Freaked Out" by Laura Van Arendonkbaugh, "Beware of the Dog" by Pat Miller, and "Feisty Fido" by Patricia McConnell

If you're seeking a trainer for help with your dog, we'd be honored to be on your team. You can book a consultation now at

We have 1 more spot left for January & 2 spots left for February. Message us today to set up a consultation! 💜Private Tr...

We have 1 more spot left for January & 2 spots left for February.
Message us today to set up a consultation! 💜
Private Training sessions are also available.

⭐️Are you a busy professional or parent who doesn’t have time to train your dog? We totally get it- sometimes life just gets in the way. We have the solution for you- In Home Day Training.

⭐️ Let professional trainer, Sonny Woltkamp KPA-CTP, do the work-not you!

⭐️ Your pup conveniently gets to stay in the comfort of their own home, while I do the training.

⭐️Choose from 2, 3, or 4 week programs. All programs include a consultation session, 3- 45 minutes training sessions each week, and a transfer of skills session at the end of each week.

⭐️Programs are specifically tailored & fine tuned for each families individual needs. Work on things from loose leash walking, coming when called, and greeting guest politely. The choice is up to you!

💜Spots are limited- Now Booking for January! Contact us today to reserve your spot!

Make sure you sign up soon to reserve your spot! You don’t want to miss a chance to train with the amazing trainer, Kris...

Make sure you sign up soon to reserve your spot! You don’t want to miss a chance to train with the amazing trainer, Kristin from Angelic Paws Dog Training 💜

We are now offering new classes. Loose lead walking and recall classes. It will be at Better Bonds dog training center. Message me to sign up.

If you need a different time contact us and we can see how we can help.

⭐️ CONGRATULATIONS to this distinguished group of puppies & their Parents on passing their AKC STAR Puppy test tonight. ...

⭐️ CONGRATULATIONS to this distinguished group of puppies & their Parents on passing their AKC STAR Puppy test tonight.

⭐️ Ruby, Ozzie, & Bilbo did remarkably well on their tests tonight & throughout their classes. I am BEYOND proud of all of you!

Kristin, from Angelic Paws Dog Training makes some excellent points about Positive Reinforcement training! If you are in...

Kristin, from Angelic Paws Dog Training makes some excellent points about Positive Reinforcement training! If you are in the Wisconsin & Dubuque area & in need of a trainer, she is fantastic!

Did you get a new puppy for Christmas!? Contact us today for Puppy Classes or In-Home Training!

Did you get a new puppy for Christmas!?
Contact us today for Puppy Classes or In-Home Training!

⭐️Are you a busy professional or parent who doesn’t have time to train your dog? We totally get it- sometimes life just gets in the way. We have the solution for you- In Home Day Training.

⭐️ Let professional trainer, Sonny Woltkamp KPA-CTP, do the work-not you!

⭐️ Your pup conveniently gets to stay in the comfort of their own home, while I do the training.

⭐️Choose from 2, 3, or 4 week programs. All programs include a consultation session, 3- 45 minutes training sessions each week, and a transfer of skills session at the end of each week.

⭐️Programs are specifically tailored & fine tuned for each families individual needs. Work on things from loose leash walking, coming when called, and greeting guest politely. The choice is up to you!

💜Spots are limited- Now Booking for January! Contact us today to reserve your spot!

If you are looking for someone to watch your pups, look no further! I don’t trust ANYONE else to watch my pups 🥰💜 I alwa...

If you are looking for someone to watch your pups, look no further! I don’t trust ANYONE else to watch my pups 🥰

💜 I always know my crew is in good hands, while being able to stay at home! They even watch over my bearded dragons!



⭐️Are you a busy professional or parent who doesn’t have time to train your dog? We totally get it- sometimes life just ...

⭐️Are you a busy professional or parent who doesn’t have time to train your dog? We totally get it- sometimes life just gets in the way. We have the solution for you- In Home Day Training.

⭐️ Let professional trainer, Sonny Woltkamp KPA-CTP, do the work-not you!

⭐️ Your pup conveniently gets to stay in the comfort of their own home, while I do the training.

⭐️Choose from 2, 3, or 4 week programs. All programs include a consultation session, 3- 45 minutes training sessions each week, and a transfer of skills session at the end of each week.

⭐️Programs are specifically tailored & fine tuned for each families individual needs. Work on things from loose leash walking, coming when called, and greeting guest politely. The choice is up to you!

💜Spots are limited- Now Booking for January! Contact us today to reserve your spot!

💜Tonight our puppies worked on Stay & Loose-Leash walking!💜We played the game frog by having the puppies take turns stay...

💜Tonight our puppies worked on Stay & Loose-Leash walking!

💜We played the game frog by having the puppies take turns staying while the other puppy walked past them. A great way to add in distractions while learning how to stay & loose leash walk!

💜Y’all did great tonight & I am so proud to see how far you’ve come! Keep up the GREAT work!

💜Contact us today to see what service is right for you & your pup!

💜Contact us today to see what service is right for you & your pup!

⭐️Are you a busy professional or parent who doesn’t have time to train your dog? We totally get it- sometimes life just ...

⭐️Are you a busy professional or parent who doesn’t have time to train your dog? We totally get it- sometimes life just gets in the way. We have the solution for you- In Home Day Training. Let the professional trainer do the work-not you! Your pup conveniently gets to stay in the comfort of their own home, while I do the training.

⭐️Choose from 2, 3, or 4 week programs. All programs include a consultation session, 3- 45 minutes training sessions each week, and a transfer of skills session at the end of each week.

⭐️Programs are specifically tailored & fine tuned for each families individual needs. Work on things from loose leash walking, coming when called, and greeting guest politely. The choice is up to you!

💜Spots are limited- Contact us today to reserve your spot!

⭐️Taking the Karen Pryor Academy Professional Program was such an amazing & rewarding experience! To be able to go throu...

⭐️Taking the Karen Pryor Academy Professional Program was such an amazing & rewarding experience! To be able to go through it with Chloe was even more rewarding! So grateful for this opportunity! Very fortunate to have made such wonderful friends through this experience as well!

💜Couldn’t have asked for a better dog to do this course with. We did it, Coco!🎉

🎉All smiles because Chloe & I are at our LAST WORKSHOP for the Karen Pryor Academy for Dog Training & Behavior! 💜After 6...

🎉All smiles because Chloe & I are at our LAST WORKSHOP for the Karen Pryor Academy for Dog Training & Behavior!

💜After 6 months of online coursework, homework & training assignments, and multiple workshops, this is the weekend we earn our hard worked for certification!

💜I am BEYOND proud of this girl. Chloe has motivated me more than I could have ever imagined! Chloe, you are one smart girl & thanks for coming along this journey with me. I am a better trainer because of you!

⭐️ Congratulations to BFFs, Astra & Marco on completing Better Manners!⭐️Both families are so inspiring in how much they...

⭐️ Congratulations to BFFs, Astra & Marco on completing Better Manners!

⭐️Both families are so inspiring in how much they care about their pups & the amount of effort they put into them.

⭐️Super proud of both teams☺️ Keep up the great work!

💜🎉Giving the warmest birthday wishes to the biggest princess of them all, Miss Paige. 💜Miss Paige it has been an absolut...

💜🎉Giving the warmest birthday wishes to the biggest princess of them all, Miss Paige.
💜Miss Paige it has been an absolute pleasure not only loving your sister since she was a puppy, but also loving on you & watching you grow into such a good girl. We love all your silly little antics, and all of your sweet cuddles. You love all the children so much & love taking naps even more.
💜We love you so much, Paigey girl💜



Yes, you read that right. I give you permission to NOT walk your dog.

The obvious disclaimer here is that dogs need appropriate exercise and mental enrichment (the amount varies from dog to dog). We are strong advocates for meeting dogs’ needs (physically and mentally).

BUT. There is this idea in our culture of the walk as a “thing dog owners must do,” and sometimes it can cause more harm than good. A few examples:

- your dog is reactive, and walks are filled with explosive reactions and stress for everyone. Suggestions instead: do training exercises in the back yard, get outside your neighborhood to somewhere quiet for a “decompression walk” (and talk to a qualified behavior consultant)

- your dog is terrified of the outside, and shakes and trembles during the entire walk. Suggestion: keep outdoor potty breaks short, and play games indoors. You can try fetch, some wrestling/chase, or even “find it” games. (And talk to a qualified behavior consultant)

- your dog pulls like a freight train on walks and tries to chase every squirrel and leaf and you end every walk with a sore arm and lots of frustration. Suggestion: train your leash walking skills indoors, in your yard, or in another quiet space without distractions! Use a flirt pole, fetch, and other active games to burn off some energy. (And talk to a qualified trainer)

- you’re having a bad day and know that going for a walk is likely to upset you when your dog pulls, reacts, etc

- there are so many other reasons why a “walk” might not be the best option for you and your dog. If your dog is stressed during walks, or you feel emotionally exhausted after them- it’s probably time to reconsider whether a walk is your best option!

Saying no to walks (temporarily or long term) doesn’t make you a bad owner. It means you’re thinking carefully about how to meet your dog’s needs, and your own!

Remember, we still have to meet our dog’s needs for exercise and mental enrichment, and there are TONS of other ways to do that!

But a walk isn’t the only way to do this, and it’s ok to NOT walk your dog.


Dubuque, IA


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