Lakota has been doing pretty good, saddled and let’s me hop up in stirrup but I’m still gonna take it slow with this guy. He’s pretty sensitive but at some points needs a bit of a push.
We’re trying to get over a hurdle currently, when lunging he likes to kick out at anything behind him such as a rope behind him. So we’re working on that because I don’t want him kicking out if something happend to get around his behind while I ride or if I’m walking behind him. He doesn’t kick out at a stand still though only while moving out. I’m working on this because I want to be able to ground drive him and have him yield to pressure by the rope being around his butt.
On the upside, he doesn’t seem to mind tarps at all and just walks on over them. Soon I’ll be working on getting different things over the saddle that make noise or are heavy as if I was in the saddle.
Also, I taped him and he’s not 14.2 hands he’s actually exactly 15 hands tall.👏
I love this horse and he has a trim scheduled for December 3rd.💕