We expect a lot of our horses, and for the most part they really try, when in all reality, most of them would be perfectly justified to buck us off.
What do I mean by that?
We ask them w/t/c on cue and FORCE it if they hesitate.
Do we stop to question: was the horse's body in the correct shape to make the move? Was my body in the correct place? Was I soft? Was my timing correct? Was my seat engaged? Was their correct foot planted to propel the correct motion?
A great injustice I've been seeing is people forcing their horses to continue on when they are saying very clearly that they are not ok to do it. We teach them that their physical comfort isn't even to be considered.
How then do we expect them to stay sensitive to our cues? Or to stay in alignment with our position when we are teaching them that we DONT care about how they feel?😖
When I'm riding, my spine needs to be aligned with my horse's. My seat bones applying even weight to their back and engaging their hips. My feet at equal levels and with equal weight.
If I am not there, if I am bouncing heavily, if my timing is off... I am expecting my horse to work out of balance with me and out of alignment.
I have ridden many cow/ranch horses that WILL continue on. I appreciate the mental fortitude they have. But I will guarantee they have worked through a lot of pain and discomfort in their lives.
Our sensitive/performance bred horses...they don't put up with that nearly as well. They let you know. And they get a rap for being OPINIONATED and SPICY.
I'm really learning to appreciate the ones who tell me I'm out of place. The ones that stop when my seat disengages, the ones that tighten up when I get tense, the ones that throw in a little hop or snap their head when my bad timing puts them in pain.
I WANT to show them I value their comfort. If I don't, there's an aspect they will never be able to trust me, and never be able to put it all out there for me.
I want to be a good partner that understands my horse. That's my goal. Not a horse that simply follows through from a cue.
But one that is connected and aligned and looking to stay there, because it's mentally and physically THE HAPPY PLACE FOR THEM.