My last few weekends have been busy massaging horses! This guy is quite interesting. He is older and has quite the swayback which pulled his hips forward. He also had uneven hips and a hip hike. He did improve a ton with myofascial release although he still has lots more to go. If you look at the after photos, his muscling and hips were a little more even (although unfortunately still not perfect!) and his hips were no longer being pulled forward. In the after, you’ll notice his sway back is less noticeable!
With his issues being as big as they are, I didn’t push it. The more massages he has, the more his fascia and muscles will relax and his body will be able to comfortably hold itself! He is one that will improve greatly overtime from a massage schedule and some stretches in between massages. As well as some under-saddle exercises!