We said we were gonna take a break to catch up and recover from burnout, but when no other rescue can help, and the kittens are at the perfect age to socialize, it’s very hard to say no. (We is the royal we… it’s really just one of us who is still learning how to take care of herself and put her mask on first before assisting others). Saturday we trapped two kittens, Monday, with the help of an amazing local trapper, we caught mom, and finally today we caught the last two kittens. They will be tested and vaccinated and get a check up this Friday, and then they will go to fosters who will help instill some love and trust in them, and then mama and all four kittens will be available for adoption. Please start an application online if you are interested… We know that there’s already quite a bit of interest so we will do our best to respond. I’m going to take this moment to remind everyone that this is really not easy work and we are all volunteers and every rescue in the area is full and trying their best. We have decided for our best interest and to make the best impact that we can that this year we are going to focus on the four colonies that we have established. There is a colony in downtown Niantic that needs some serious trapping and neutering and returning, and we want to focus efforts there because the only way to get ahead of the reproduction is to throw a lot of energy in that direction. We all try our best, but recently there have been more cats in need than all the local rescues can handle. Have patience with us and all the rescues in the area and spay and neuter your cats and dogs please.