Hi! It's me, Mikey Stark, of Goof Brothers Bakery. My brother, Bourbon, and I want to tell you something. Our mom makes the best cookies in the world for us! And she doesn't just make one boring flavor week after week! She makes cookies with peanut butter. Sometimes we get PB and pumpkin. Or PB and carrots. Or PB and pears. Or PB and beets. Or PB and banana. Or PB and peas. Or PB and applesauce. Or PB and green beans. ( She made PB and green beans today! Yummy!!)
Bourby and I think that your doggies would love our mom's cookies, too! We are executives here at Goof Brothers Bakery. Bourbon is the TTE (Taste Tester Extraordinaire) and I am the NB (Needy Beagle) so we would like to offer a subscription plan to you. Mom will make and send your pups
2 bags of her delicious cookies each month. You will a 10 ounce bag of PB and vegetable and a 10 ounce bag of PB and fruit each month. Mom bakes every Monday morning and can send the cookies out the next day.
All you have to do to sign up is send our mom a private message. (If she says she doesn't know what talking about it is because she's napping in her chair and has no idea we are posting this!) But she loves making cookies because she loves ❤ us and every other pup in the world! She likes monkeys, too.
Oh, here's a picture of me and Bourbon. I'm the cute one in the right!!