Not again! Someone had messy butt again this morning. Nothing wakes you up faster than a kitten smearing poo everywhere!
He's been having some real potty challenges lately. This little baby is getting to that lanky stage. Having the wobbles and being lanky don't mix well. Seems to be throwing his balance off even more. His balance isn't improving as much as we'd like. We prefer to get these guys as young as possible as often it is a result of them being confined. It limits their brain's ability to compensate for their disability. Confined spaces does not allow them the room to exercise correctly. What ends up happening is they learn a default behavior. Instead of exploring the world and allowing their brains to adjust the limited space usually causes them to stay on their sides. They learn to do everything on their sides: eat; potty, play. He's still young so we are very hopefully with additional therapy we can help him improve. For now we'll just be sure to have our baby wipes ready at all times.
Wobbly boy has a new toy. We couldn't resist. Our upstairs crew have a new one too. Imagine we'll be hearing little balls rolling all night long.
Bag wars... and the winner is!
Pets at
Heard a bit of a commotion upstairs figured I'd see who the trouble makers were. I don't know. They look pretty innocent. What do you think?
Has to keep blind kitty busy while I was cleaning. He kept getting under my feet. He loves a stuffie!
This has been such a messy week! I feel like getting a holster for our paper towel roll. This sweet wobby boy was so excited about his food he fell in it. As he was so sick a few weeks ago we didn't dare disturb him from eating. Clean up can always wait.
Our precious little wobbly warrior was so good during his vet appointment. It broke our hearts when he didn't want to get in the carrier. He knew where he was going.
For those who may not know this amazing boy has a neurological disorder and has been battling what is normally a fatal illness. He spent many months under treatment. It was time for his monthly follow up blood draw and he wanted no part of it. He cringed as soon as he saw the vet. Who could blame him, he's been 'stuck' with needles so many times. It was decided to provide mild sedation to make him more comfortable. Needless to say my heart was in my chest with worry about him being sedated.
Thankfully he recovered very quickly and was more than happy to get back in the carrier. He is truly an amazing kitty for dealing so well with his disability and for going through all his treatments. As we promised this little boy deserved a bowl full of his favorite nums! A tough little warrior for sure! Don't you just love his little wobbles!
Blind kitty won't stop playing with the sprayer. So much for a deterrent.
This blind BOY! Odin will not stop playing with the cat sprayer. We moved him five times to another room - nope, he's fascinated with it! *Clearly no kitties were hurt during this video.
How mornings start with the wobbles. Let ME-OWT!
First a bum check to make sure we didn't fall in anything yucky. Then some nummy breakfast. Time to run and cause some wobbly chaos! Don't you just love them!
Trying to get our cleaning done we hear 'vac on pause'. Wondered why the other human did that? Nope. Just the blind kitty! His favorite toy.