Charlie Home Depot
Charlie working on proofing his basic obedience in public. Still room for improvements but I am very happy with his progress.
Shaya working on a pre season conditioning hike with our kennel helper Alexis Buell who absolutely loves the dogs and has worked hard on becoming a good handler of working and family dogs. Her extensive experience with large animals horses/cows has helped her tremendously to grow as a handler/trainer. Great video of her just having fun with Shaya the GWP. #gwpoftheday #uplandhunting
Nelly Board + Train
Nelly graduates from her basic obedience/foundation board + training. She came in extremely anxious/nervous/avoidant mindset. Pulling really hard on the leash using all her back muscles. Her confidence is boosting now and she can enjoy off leash hikes with her owners and has a much better understanding of life and all the environmental pressures that go along with this big world. We are going to miss her a lot.
Frankie off leash
Frankie working on his off leash recall and delivery. He is a 7 month old puppy rescue. Frankie was struggling with an aroused/nervous mindset and his owners needed more help than private lessons could provide. He is now happier than ever, understands personal boundaries, leash work, and OFF leash freedom! He now has the tools and skills necessary for his owners to take over and enjoy him.
Ranger leash work
Ranger working on building his confidence using a soft cue or the lead rope and low e-collar stim. Using both at the same time at this stage to pair leash/e-collar and eliminate confusion. His confidence is increasing everyday from where he was prior to starting his training. He is more focused, relaxed, and much happier and receptive to the world around him. Still lots of work ahead but we are making great progress!
Frankie enjoying our evening training session.
Hank @ HD on heel
Hank working of a soft touch “operating off a feel”. Here is a great video of loose leash no steady pressure. Hank is in a great receptive work as a team together mindset. He is relaxed ears back soft eyes neutral tail. If I stop he stops if I go he goes. #chocholatelabs