‼️ROSCOE in PEN ARGYL has been TRAPPED and is SAFE‼️
Roscoe went missing from Davey Ave in Pen Argyl on Thursday, 1/9/25. On Friday, 1/10/25, HBLDS received a message from Mike (one of Roscoe’s owner) asking for help to find and secure Roscoe. There were many sightings but was unable to be secured by his owner’s and all of the people who were out looking for him on foot and by car. He was also spotted by LV Pet Search with the drone and camera. But Roscoe was soooo frightened and in Survival Mode that he ran from his owner’s as well as everyone else. Roscoe was NOT going to be secured by anyone and needed to be trapped. So on Friday, 1/10/25, I went out immediately and met with all three of Roscoe’s owner’s, Elizabeth, Brian & Mike. After talking with them and being shown where all of the sightings were, I decided to set 2 traps, one at the POE (point of escape) and one where he was spotted numerous times. So, as I was sitting there waiting for Roscoe to find the trap, people were still out looking for him on foot in the woods and in their car’s. At one point, someone was chasing him with their car and then got out and started running after him on foot. Needless to say that Roscoe was terrified and bolted right by the front of the trap. Luckily, he showed up at the other trap 2 hours later. He could smell his owner’s (Brian’s) shirt in the trap, and quickly went in and grabbed the shirt pulling it halfway out of the trap. Roscoe hung around the trap for the next 2 hours circling, crying and very cautiously grabbing the bait leading him into the trap. He was terrified and cautious of everything. Finally after those 2 hrs, he finally worked up the courage and went all the way in and Roscoe was safe!!!!!
Thank you to Mike, Brian & Elizabeth for reaching out to and trusting in HBLDS to help secure Roscoe.
Thank you to Ted, LV Pet Search for volunteering your time to come fly your drone to spot Roscoe. I appreciate you! 😊
Thank you to Whitney on Birch Avenue for allowing me to set a trap and camera on your property. Homeowner’s like you make it possible to capture these poor pup’s. Could’t do it without you.
Finally, THANK YOU to Roscoe for finding the trap and working up the nerve to go for the food at the back of the trap.
WELCOME HOME, Roscoe!!!! 💙🐾💙🐾
PSA: I felt it was necessary to post an article on “Survival Mode” to show what a dog feels and thinks while they are out there in survival mode. I hope you’ll take the time to read.
The pup in your home is not the same pup when they’re out there lost and trying to survive.
If a pup doesn’t go to or recognize their owner’s, it is very unlikely that they will go to you.
You will never outrun a dog.
A scared dog makes poor decisions when being chased and their safety is at risk (ie. running right out in the street to get away from the perceived threat and possibly get hit by a car) and it prolongs their time out there and their capture.
The best thing and most helpful thing that you can do for a lost dog is to call and report the sighting immediately with the date, time, exact location, direction the pup was going, were they wearing anything (collar, harness, leash, bandana, etc), and did they look uninjured. And if you can take a picture, that would be great!!!!!
One last thing, if a professional search organization asks you to please don’t do something, asks you to stop doing something or asks you to leave the area, there is a reason for it. Please, don’t yell or curse at us. We’re just out there trying to get the pup as quickly and safely as possible. Thank you for your understanding.