Picking in the night
A fun fact that you may not know about the TurdBurglar , I also have a full line of employment that I also do and I pick up poo on my time off. Now that the daylight is getting shorter I have to fight against time, so it’s time to bring out the spotlight, which works perfect, actually better than daylight, it spots the 💩 more easily.
Working puppy
“No need to call Turd Burglars” my puppy says, “ I’ll bag and haul this 💩 out myself” I sure hope she doesn’t tell other dogs to do this, I’ll be out of a job😬
As long as the snows not a sticking, I’ll keep a picking
When you run out of daylight and your not quite done yet. The head lamp worked great.
This was really cool. When I walked in there was like 30 deer back here they all took off and then as I’m picking up the poo one by one started walking right back to me.