Anxiety and Storm Phobia Management
When your pet needs a prescription intervention for their storm anxiety but Trazodone just ain't cutting it.....
Sileo (dexmedetomidine gel) - This is a prescription medication that is specifically for pets with noise phobias and sudden onset anxiety, like thunderstorms. It is a less readily absorbed version of a common injectible sedative medication used in animals. At these low doses it allows pets retain the anti-anxiety effects without becoming overly sedated. The main benefit of this medication is that it is fast acting, typically effective within 30 minutes, and is relatively short-lived, only lasting 1-2 hours in a pets system. Overall, I think this is a good medication to keep on-hand for use when storms/anxiety becomes too severe for our supplements alone to handle.
Call us today if you'd like to try something new for your pets anxiety this year!
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