Some cool really cool fish in over the weekend any questions please call the store 443-607-8256. Red tail Slender loach
Paracobitis variegatus 6”
Pink loach
Leptobotia microphthalrna 4”
China rainbow loach
Traccatichthys pulcher 3-4”
kiangsi loach
Parabotia kiangsiensis 6”
Beautiful Red Spotted sucker
Erromyzon kalotaeina 2”
Yellow fin sucker
Pseudogastromyzon fangi 2-2.5”
Tiger loach
Triplophysa siluroides 12”
China pencil
Pseudorasbora elongata 3”
Purple fin sucker
Pseudogastromyzon laticeps 2”
Orange goby
Sineleotris saccharae, rare 4”
Red spot goby I
Rhinogobius shennongensis 2-3”
Yellow lip goby
Rhinogobius sp,big yellow lips 2-3”
Giant bitterling
Acheilognathus macropterus 3”
Leopard mandarin fish
Siniperca scherzeri 6”
Red line barb
Sarcocheilichthys parvus 3”
Beautiful barb
Sarcocheilichthys davidi 2-3”
Blood Red Swordtail( AAA Grade) 2.5”
Red & White Parrot Xl 5” (Needs a few days of quarantine)
Black Line Tail Tetra
Moenkhausia costae
Red Parrot ( A Grade) 4”
Tiger Parrot (Yellow Black Line) 4-4.5”
Sterbai Corydoras
Corydoras Duplicareus Md
Blueberry Tetra
Hyphessobrycon wadai
Hyphessobrycon cf. pulchripinnis Red Cherry Tetra
Hyphessobrycon cf. pulchripinnis
Cichla Kelberi (Peacock Bass)Full Spotted 6” ( Need a few extra days of quarantine)
White Cloud Moutain Golden Long Fin
Tanichthys albonubes
Pearl Gourami Balloon
Trichopodus leerii (balloon) Sm
Achara Catfish 8”
Leiarius pictus
Saw Knifefish 8”
Red Tail Barracuda 3”
Mortenthaleri Pencil Fish
Cenepa Red Pencil Fish
Glass Headstander
Charax gibbosus Lrg
Ornate Pim Catfish 6”
Red Shoulder Severum 3-4” (Needs a few days of quarantine)
Bleeding Heart Tetra Lrg
Morse Code/Candela Tetra
Humming Bird Tetra
Barbatus Catfish
Hemisorubim platyrhynchos 4”
Clown Loach 3.5”
Borneo Panther Crab
Tiger Moray Eel 12”
Galaxy Rasbora/Celestial Pearl Danio Lrg
Cardinal Tetra
Rummynose Tetra
Gold Roseline Barb 3”
Corydoras adolfoi Sm
Albino Corydoras Md
Red Spot Gold Severum 2”
Pink Cuckoo Synodontis 1.5”
Boesemani Rainbow 2”
Multipunctatus Cuckoo Synodontis 1.5”
Congo Tetra and/Lrg