For every little one we save, we lose several…never getting to meet them, but cared about deeply. That’s the case with Gremlin, who had been hit by a car. At 3:30 this morning I received the call I’ve come to expect in these cases, this puppy was gone, his injuries too severe to come back from. As soon as I saw his picture I was in love, how could I not be. Maybe I should have said no, but that’s unlikely to ever happen…for all the heartbreak we endure, saving some, helps heal the heart. Whether dogs survive or not, we are still obligated to pay our vets, please donate your weekend coffee/donut cost to help us continue our mission. Fly high Gremlin, some day we’ll cuddle, until then, run free like a silly puppy//Tina
Venmo @ becauseofyourescue
Cash App $becauseofyourescue