Yeah, it kinda freaks people out 😆😆 #photographersoftiktok #springphotoshoot #photostudio #familyphotos
I am a golden hour type girlie!!! Love that gorgeous sunshine in my client's photos ☀️🌞 #sometimesyoureinthesunshine #sometimesyoureintheshade #springphotoshoot #tulips #sunshine #photographersoftiktok
If its this windy we will probs reschedule lolol. #itsabitwindy #oklahomawind #Oklahoma #Whitelotus #thatwasstressful
Toy Story Minis started today! I just pretend to be a grown up... #whosgotmyhat #toystory #toystoryphotoshoot #photos #photographersoftiktok #kidphotographer
Anybody have a GenZ translator lolol #photographersoftiktok #graduationphotoshoot #kidphotographer
I'm just gonna rest my eyes until the next session.... #photographersoftiktok #photostudio #Photographystudio
All of my past Spring clients will attest that this is what it's like talking with me March-April photo season 😆😆 #oklahomaweather #oklahomaphotographer #photographersoftiktok
Have you signed up for Easter Minis Yet?? #oklahomaphotographer #easterphotos #thebunny
One of the best parts of my job as a newborn photographer is getting the sweet snuggles while wiggling out those gas bubbles lol. #photographer #newbornphotographer #newbornphotos #professionalphotogragher
Olive Branch Studios in Edmond & The Homestead Studio Collective in Moore are teaming up for something BIG this summer... Photographers stay stuned...