NOW is the time to plan for your pets safety over the fireworks season. More pets go missing during fireworks than any other time of year….shelters get inundated with animals during this time!
The difference between your pet getting euthanized in a kill shelter or being returned to you is simple...a VALID phone number on a collar. Fireworks are traumatizing for dogs...make sure they are INDOORS in a safe place. Dogs jump fences and have jumped through glass doors and windows in a panic. Be responsible and make sure they are safely INSIDE!! No one expects their animal to go missing...but you can plan for it! Shelters are all full and euthanizing in most States. With the 4th of July upon us, it’s about to get A LOT worse!!! HAVE VALID ID ON YOUR PET! In the very least, write it on their collar with a sharpie on the OUTside where it’s clearly visible, not on the inside as shown !!! Use a Thunder shirt, cbd treats for dogs (purchase at petsmart), keep music or tv on inside to help mask the noise, and close curtains so they don’t see the flashes. Pick up ALL leftover firework debris…it’s toxic when animals lick or eat it off the ground. If you don’t own pets, be thoughtful of others who do and cleanup after yourself. Dogs are not people, they do not appreciate the show so LEAVE THEM HOME in a safe place! Be responsible…you owe that to your loyal pet.
FYI…the Sharpie works for horses and other live stock also…just write your number on them somewhere.