It was the Spring of 2014 when Micah and I (Nicole) began discussing getting our first chicks because we really wanted eggs and were eating up to 4 dozen a week. After many late nights of research and desperately ready to start, I went to our local feed store while Micah was out of town and picked out our first 4 chicks. It quickly progressed to 8, then 2 ducklings and then 4 more chicks. Over the
last 3 years we have expanded our little urban farmstead to include over 30 chickens, 14 ducks, 2 Nigerian dwarf goats and Quail. We have a deep love for farming and dream of having a large farm in the future. Over time I have grown to have a deep love for Swedish Flower Hens, as a rare Landrace breed they are something special for me. We hatch a variety of different breeds but my focus is on Swedish Flowers as they are so important to me. We run all of this as a family with our 2 young children and are dedicated to educating new chicken farmers and sharing with all who ask. Welcome to our farm page and I hope you learn a little something while you are here.