🛑 DECLAWING 🛑These facts are 100% TRUE! We get constant messages someone’s cat mysteriously started p*eing outside the litter box and they need us to take their cat.
First thing we ask - is it declawed? Answer: “yes.”
Great! Cat now has arthritis where they chopped the bone off and/or fragments of bone working their way out of the skin. (This can happen years later.) It’s too painful to use the box!
Wellllllllll…. Hmmmmm…. 🤔 Now you want to bring it to us so WE can:
1. Adopt it to someone who wants p*e and p**p on THEIR floors? Oh sure - 😕
2. Put it in a barn somewhere with no defenses? 😮 Don’t think so.
3. Keep it here at the shelter for the rest of its life and let it “go” 💩 where it can? - wrong answer. We’d have a shelter full of unadoptable cats and not be able to save other cats.
😢 and THEN we hear “well I guess we’ll just be forced to put it down if you can’t take it.” Thanks for more guilt and sadness than we already have on the daily.
Come on people. DO BETTER! When you didn’t know, you didn’t know. But you know now!!!! ✅ Message us for solutions to stop scratching.
🌞 IF you live in an apartment that requires declawing or you are an older or immunocompromised individual and absolutely “need“ a declawed cat we can find you one. There are even special groups who specialize in rehoming them.