K9 Cuts

K9 Cuts Professional Dog Groomer Certified after successfully completing a 15 week program at the Rochester Institute of Dog Grooming. I groom every dog with TLC.

I always giggle when people tell me their short haired dog doesn't need groomed.  Ooookkkkk.....  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I always giggle when people tell me their short haired dog doesn't need groomed. Ooookkkkk..... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Tucker photo shoot. πŸ’™

Tucker photo shoot. πŸ’™

πŸ“£πŸ“£   NO SHOWS / NO CALLS   πŸ“£πŸ“£Between Thanksgiving and yesterday, I had a LOT of No-Shows.  It's frustrating, to say the ...

πŸ“£πŸ“£ NO SHOWS / NO CALLS πŸ“£πŸ“£

Between Thanksgiving and yesterday, I had a LOT of No-Shows. It's frustrating, to say the least! The money I make grooming dogs, is my only income, and is essential for paying our bills, and helping my daughter with her college expenses. Relying on other people to show up so you can pay your bills, is a pretty scary concept, but for the most part my customers are AMAZING! However, after the past six weeks, it's apparent that I need to send out a reminder. Please keep an eye on your appointments, and message me if you have any conflicts so I can change your appointment. If you no-show, I will not reschedule that appointment, you'll need to wait for your next appointment or schedule with another groomer. I have a very full schedule this year. Thank you for understanding.

Just want to give a shout out to this girl! In June, at her drop off, her mom informed me, with tears in her eyes, that ...

Just want to give a shout out to this girl! In June, at her drop off, her mom informed me, with tears in her eyes, that she was dying. I didn't understand because she wasn't even 2 years old yet. But she had gotten bit by tick, and ended up with a rare tick borne illness that affects a dog's kidneys. The survival rate is extremely low. They started numerous medications and we prayed and hoped for the best. A short time later, she was delivered another blow.... Her thyroid wasn't functioning properly. Her hair was falling out and she was a very sick little girl. They started her on levothyroxine and continued the medication for her kidneys. Fast forward to today: she's off all of her medication except the thyroid medication, and her hair is growing back thick, soft and beautiful! It brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart to see her feeling better! I'm soooo glad I get to keep grooming you, sweet Shae!! I hope Santa brings you lots of new toys and treats! β€οΈπŸ’šβ€οΈ

In case you haven't heard, there is a nasty bug circulating in the country that is making dogs extremely sick.  I will b...

In case you haven't heard, there is a nasty bug circulating in the country that is making dogs extremely sick. I will be taking extra steps to keep my dogs (both personal and customer) safe, but I need your help!!


If your dog is sick, coughing or having difficulty breathing, you will need to cancel/reschedule your grooming appointment!! There are no exceptions to this!! I will be contacting everyone ahead of your appointment to check on their health and to see if they've been in a kennel or around other dogs. Thank you for understanding.


I know we aren't veterinarians, but if your groomer suggest you have a thyroid test done on your dog, you really should ...

I know we aren't veterinarians, but if your groomer suggest you have a thyroid test done on your dog, you really should have a thyroid test done on your dog. We see changes such as weight gain, skin issues, ear infections, thinning hair, and hair that won't grow back, that you might not notice at home. And your veterinarian typically only sees your dog once maybe twice a year. So far I've only been wrong once but that dog only had weight gain as a symptom and no skin issues. Thyroid disease is very common in dogs and it's very easy to manage. Here's a great article and symptoms to look out for. Thank you! ❀️


I am back to full time grooming as of this past Monday.  If you have an upcoming appointment, please plan on coming.  Th...

I am back to full time grooming as of this past Monday. If you have an upcoming appointment, please plan on coming. Thank you for your patience while I continue to try and fix my feet. ❀️

I had my post-op appointment today and here is the update I promised.   I got the stitches out, a referral to start phys...

I had my post-op appointment today and here is the update I promised. I got the stitches out, a referral to start physical therapy, and a walking boot. I still cannot put any weight on it or get the incision or bottom of my foot wet for another week. Then, I can put what weight I can tolerate on it. And can start working when I can tolerate standing on it for long periods of time. My hope is (and the doctor agreed) to be back working by the last week in July. I had originally scheduled that week off so my plan is to fill the week with the dogs that have missed their recent appointments. I will be giving preference to the dogs that need haircuts considering we're currently in the "dog days of summer." β˜€οΈ

As always, I VERY much appreciate your calls, texts, messages, meals and visits! Please give your dog a kiss on the nose from me, and tell them I miss them! πŸ•πŸ©

*Picture of my fancy boot because I'm pretty sure you don't want to see my incision! 😊

Just a reminder that I will be having foot surgery this coming Friday, June 30th.  If you have an appointment July 1st t...

Just a reminder that I will be having foot surgery this coming Friday, June 30th. If you have an appointment July 1st through at *least* July 11th, it will need to be cancelled. I have my post surgery appointment on July 11th and will update after that. Thank you.

GOOD NEWS:  I have FINALLY found a doctor that knows what's wrong with my feet!!!  πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒBAD NEWS:  It is going to take surg...

GOOD NEWS: I have FINALLY found a doctor that knows what's wrong with my feet!!! πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

BAD NEWS: It is going to take surgery to fix. πŸ˜”

I am scheduled for surgery on Friday June 30th and will be out for sure through July 14th. After that I will be in a boot, but not sure that I'll be able to groom. I will be in touch with everyone that this affects in hopes of figuring out a grooming plan for you. Priority will be given to the dogs that need haircuts. Thank you for your patience and understanding while I try and get my feet fixed up! ❀️

I always try and reassure parents that their dogs REALLY don't mind being here for longer than just their groom.  Here's...

I always try and reassure parents that their dogs REALLY don't mind being here for longer than just their groom. Here's some evidence. I think the naps taken here are some of the best these pups get! 😴😴😴

This is a perfect illustration of what happens when your dog's nails become too long.  Keeping their nails short is extr...

This is a perfect illustration of what happens when your dog's nails become too long. Keeping their nails short is extremely important!

I'm back to grooming all day. If you have an upcoming appointment please plan on coming!  😊

I'm back to grooming all day. If you have an upcoming appointment please plan on coming! 😊

Bad news!  After 2Β½ days of grooming, it's painfully (literally) obvious that I'm not able to groom yet.  The pain (in b...

Bad news! After 2Β½ days of grooming, it's painfully (literally) obvious that I'm not able to groom yet. The pain (in both feet) is unbearable, to the point it makes me nauseous. I'm sorry, but I need some more time off. πŸ˜­πŸ’”

FOOT UPDATE!I was cleared this morning to start grooming!!  πŸŽ‰πŸ™ŒπŸ‘πŸ¦ΆπŸ«ΆπŸ‘πŸ™‚πŸ˜ƒπŸ€©πŸ™ŒπŸ‘πŸ¦ΆπŸ«ΆπŸ‘πŸŽ‰With that being said, I still have a TON of p...


I was cleared this morning to start grooming!!

With that being said, I still have a TON of pain in both feet!! If you had an appointment scheduled for any time the remainder of the month, please plan on coming!

And don't forget, I unfortunately needed to raise my prices. 😩

Thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers, messages, and especially your patience while I recovered! Hopefully as time goes, my left foot will hurt less and less! 🀞🀞

See you all soon!! And tell your dog(s) I MISS THEM!! 😘πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜

Picture of Reba sporting the top knot so my post gets attention! πŸ’œ

Foot update!  I had an appointment this morning and had some of the stitches removed.  But the stitches on the top of my...

Foot update! I had an appointment this morning and had some of the stitches removed. But the stitches on the top of my foot have to stay in until 1/13/23. I still have to keep my foot dry and wrapped and still have to wear the surgical shoe and keep my foot elevated and ice it. πŸ˜”

Therefore, I will need to cancel all appointments through Friday 1/13/23. Which is disappointing because despite being told I would need to be off 4 weeks, I was hoping I could come back sooner. 😒

I will continue to reach out to everyone just to make sure you know the status of your appointment. And again, if you feel your dog(s) need groomed prior to me being able to groom them, please reach out to another groomer. I totally get it! My own doodle is a mess since he didn't get groomed prior to my surgery. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

I also want to thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and for checking in on me while I've been recovering. I REALLY appreciate you all! ❀️πŸ₯°β€οΈ

🚨🚨   Post surgery update   🚨🚨I had my foot surgery, as planned, on 12/20/22, and everything went well!  I go back to the...

🚨🚨 Post surgery update 🚨🚨

I had my foot surgery, as planned, on 12/20/22, and everything went well! I go back to the doctor next week to get my stitches out and see how my foot is healing. If you have an appointment between now and 01/07/23, it will unfortunately have to be cancelled. I will still reach out to everyone just to make certain you are aware. I will also update again after I see the doctor next week.
If you choose to take your dog(s) to another groomer, please reach out to me for haircut instructions. If you need names and phone numbers for other local groomers, please refer to an earlier post on my page, or message me.

Also, (and you all know how much I HATE doing this) I will be raising my prices effective when I open back up. I haven't raised them since October of 2021, and with the current and ongoing inflation, I just don't have a choice. πŸ˜”

I hope you all have a safe, healthy and happy New Year, and tell your dog(s) I miss them! πŸ’™πŸΎπŸ©πŸ•πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ίβ€οΈ

Lilah has been VERY happy that I'm spending so much time in my recliner!

Just sending out a reminder that I am having foot surgery on Tuesday 12/20/22 and will be out for several weeks.  If you...

Just sending out a reminder that I am having foot surgery on Tuesday 12/20/22 and will be out for several weeks. If you have an appointment scheduled for the first half of January, I WILL reach out to you after my surgery to let you know for certain whether or not I can groom the day of your appointment. If you feel that your dog cannot miss an appointment, please feel free to reach out to another local groomer. I will add names, numbers and town of some local groomers that *may* be able to get you in, below. And as always if you would like to know the grooming specifics for your dog, I will be happy to provide that, just message me. Thank you! ❀️

Kelly Daniels 331-2810 Bradford
Tori Hart 598-0013 Smethport
Jess Schweikart 331-9380 Eldred
Potter Co Vet 274-0857 Coudersport

*Picture of my puppy during her first groom so my post gets more attention. 😊

☎️ 🚨 ☎️ 🚨 ☎️ 🚨 ☎️ 🚨 ☎️ 🚨 ☎️ 🚨☎️I no longer have a landline.  If you're still using 814-225-4423, you will no longer reac...

☎️ 🚨 ☎️ 🚨 ☎️ 🚨 ☎️ 🚨 ☎️ 🚨 ☎️ 🚨☎️
I no longer have a landline. If you're still using 814-225-4423, you will no longer reach me. My cell is 814-558-6475. As always, if you have the capability, a text message or message through Facebook is ALWAYS the best and preferred way to contact me. Thank you! 😊

Just want to take a minute to say THANK YOU to all of my customers!  I am very thankful for your continued support of my...

Just want to take a minute to say THANK YOU to all of my customers! I am very thankful for your continued support of my small business, and I hope you all have a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! πŸ§‘πŸ¦ƒπŸ’›

If you're a customer of mine, you likely know about the problems I've been having with my feet. 🦢🦢  Well, I've finally d...

If you're a customer of mine, you likely know about the problems I've been having with my feet. 🦢🦢 Well, I've finally decided to have surgery as I just can't take the pain any longer! It has definitely taken a toll on my quality of life. Surgery is scheduled for December 20th. If you have an appointment on or after that day, I will contact you regarding some options. I will not be able to reschedule everyone, but will give priority to the dogs that mat up. And there will definitely not be any hard feelings if you decide to try another local groomer. Thank you for your patience and understanding while I get my feet back in shape! πŸ’œ

The day finally came when I groomed my smallest and biggest dogs back to back so I had to get a picture!!Bentley is a fo...

The day finally came when I groomed my smallest and biggest dogs back to back so I had to get a picture!!

Bentley is a four year old Newfie-Poo weighing in at approximately 135 lbs. And Lacey is a five year old Pomeranian-Yorkie mix weighing in at 4Β½ lb.

One of the things I like the most about dog grooming is the variety of dogs I get to groom. And even though some are easier than others, I love them all!! ❀️

Thank you for your continued support of my small business! ❀️

The fleas are SOOO BAD right now!  If your dog is scratching or chewing, I can almost guarantee you that it's fleas.  I'...

The fleas are SOOO BAD right now! If your dog is scratching or chewing, I can almost guarantee you that it's fleas. I've had about six dogs in recently that were scratching but on a preventative, yet I still found fleas. Please monitor your pets closely this time of year, and remember, I don't take dogs with fleas. Thank you!

If you No Show/No Call twice in a row, I will assume you no longer need my services and your remaining appointments will...

If you No Show/No Call twice in a row, I will assume you no longer need my services and your remaining appointments will be cancelled with no notice. Thank you for your understanding. Have a GREAT day!

One of my customers needs a little help.  Her two year old granddaughter was recently diagnosed with a rare form of AML ...

One of my customers needs a little help. Her two year old granddaughter was recently diagnosed with a rare form of AML leukemia.

Here is the most recent update from her grandma, Tina:

Khloe is on a breathing tube at this moment. She has gotten a bacterial and fungal infection. She has been retaining fluid because of her situation. Her white blood cells are extrememly low as well as her platelets. But hopefully by the grace of God, she will overcome this infection and she will start on the road to recovery. She is stable and strong. Because they have her sedated and on the tube, her body is able to rest better.

I'm sharing the Go Fund Me in hopes of helping the family with medical and travel expenses. If you're able to help out, it would mean so much to them and me. If you can't give financially, please add little Khloe to your prayers. Thank you. β€οΈπŸ™

Meet Khloe Paige Kozlowski. On July 7th, Khloe was rushed to WVU Ruby's … Tina Kozlowski needs your support for Khloe's Fight: Assist with a Toddler's Battle


80 Fowler Brook Road
Eldred, PA


(814) 558-6475



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