When it's a Monday but you're picking up one of last year's whitetail mounts at the end of the day!!!
Tenacious Hunter
Georgetown Taxidermy
#hunting #deerhunting #mountmonday #bigbuckstrut #letsgo #luckyhat
Day 20 of the season. Spending a couple days out of the woods to let things settle down after I shot my buck. Reflecting. Reorganizing. Reenergizing.
Saturday morning looks like another good morning to head back and double down on the same stand for some pre rut action!
#deer #deerhunting #bowhunting #selffilmed #thatflip #bucktober #illinois #hunting #getoutside #bbd
815 Bowhunter
Georgetown Taxidermy
That post buck strut!!
Still riding the high from yesterday morning!
#deerhunting #bucktober #bowhunting #letsgo #endofpodsquad #strutyourstuff #hunting #getoutside
815 Bowhunter
Sam's first deer hunt.
I've been apart of a lot of incredible hunts. I've seen things some guys spend a lifetime in the woods trying to see.
None of that compared to this hunt. An afternoon sharing my passion with my son!
#deerhunting #hunting #huntingbuddy #dadlife #makingmemories #fall #bowhunting #futurehunter #getoutside #smiles
815 Bowhunter
Grundy County Speedway August 28, 2020
BB71 behind the scenes!
Blake Brown Racing
#grundycountyspeedway #raceday #bb71 #MIDAM #latemodel #JRR #tacosforthewin
Before this season to be honest I ignorantly blew racing off. Never thought there was much to it...
Man was I wrong!!
After seeing the countless hours of preparation that these guy dedicate to their craft was beyond impressive to watch.
I just want to thank Jeff and Blake Brown for bringing me behind the scenes this season and allowing NHolland Images to be a sponsor!! There isn't a group id rather work with..
Blake Brown Racing
#raceday #midam #racing #grundy #illinois #bb71 #racetrack #grundycountyspeedway #jrr #respect #itsmorethanleftturns
Bucktober 2019
Here is my buck hunt from 2019. Dont pay attention to the poor editing and sit back for a fun October morning in the deer woods!!
Big thanks to Tyler Du Plessis and Alexis Phaneuf for running the camera on the recovery!
All because someone stopped loving me...
I think child support has its place, and thats for dads that refuse to be in their kids lives. Meanwhile thousands of dads who are trying to be involved are being persecuted.
We all have our injustices we are fighting. This is mine.
#dadsmattertoo #fathersrightsmovement #dadchallenge #reformchildsupport #childsupportissexist #dontgiveup #mykidsmylife #dadlife #myfight
The Unmarried Father
The Fathers' Rights Movement
The Child Support Hustle
Rumor has it Blake Brown is pulling double duty again tomorrow at the Grundy County Speedway!
Blake Brown Racing
Northwest Illinois Snow Bird