Chicks are coming soon!!! Please sign up for chicks of your choice; specific breeds are subject to change depending on availability. Call us at (303)646-4730 for details and reservations. We will have everything you need in stock: feed, bedding, feeders & waterer's, heat lamps & bulbs, treats and medical supplies.
February 24th: Americana, Australorp, Gold Comet, Noir Maran, Lavender Orpington, Light Brahma
March 3rd: Olive Egger, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Speckled Sussex, French Black Copper Maran
Meat birds (Cornish Cross or Rustic Ranger, special order only)
March 10th: Americana, Australorp, Buff Orpington, Welsummer, Blue Jersey Giant, Splash Jersey Giant
Assorted Polish/Crested, Silkies, Feather-Leg Bantams, Smooth-Leg Bantams (straight runs)
March 17th: Olive Egger, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Gold Comet, French Black Copper Maran, Cream Legbar, Splash Australorp
Broad Breasted White & Bronze Turkeys (straight runs)
March 24th: Americana, Australorp, Cinnamon Queen, Barnevelder, Lavender Orpington, Buff Brahma
Heritage turkeys: Bourbon Red, Chocolate, Royal Palm, Slate (Special order only, straight runs)
March 31st: Olive Egger, Jersey Giant, ISA Brown, Blue Cuckoo Maran, Splash Laced Red Wyandotte, Columbian Rock Cross
Broad Breasted White & Bronze Turkeys (straight runs)
April 7th: Americana, Australorp, Gold Comet, Welsummer, French Black Copper Maran
Meat birds (Cornish Cross or Rustic Ranger, special order only)
April 14th: Olive Egger, Silver Laced Wyandotte, New Hampshire Red, White Leghorn, Blue Australorp, Black, Chocolate & Red Orpingtons
Ducks (special order only)
April 21st: Americana, Australorp, Buckeye, Cuckoo Maran, Cream Legbar, Dark Brahma
Assorted Silkies, assorted Polish/Crested (straight runs)
May 26th: Meat birds (Cornish Cross or Rustic Ranger, special order only)