Today is , a day created to bring attention to equine welfare and the plight of unwanted and neglected horses. It's also a great time to recognize all of the equine veterinarians who give selflessly of their time and resources to aid horses in need. THANK YOU for all you do to make a difference in your community!
Want to help celebrate today's observance? Though not everyone has the space and resources to adopt an equine companion, there are many charitable groups that you can support who devote their work to protecting these magnificent animals. One of them is the AAEP's own charitable arm, The Foundation for The Horse, an organization dedicated to improving horse welfare through veterinary education, research and help for equines at risk. By supporting the Foundation, you can help us transform the health of horses around the world!
To learn more about the Foundation and to donate, visit: https://www.foundationforthehorse.org/