Our Story
meet the groomers!
Jerri Wagner: Jerri has been grooming for 37 years. She has done both pet grooming and show grooming! She raised and showed Dandie Dinmont Terriers. Her love for animals and the industry has brought her to her own salon!
Rebecca Phillips: Rebecca has been grooming for a little over 8 years! She is academy trained and has followed in her mothers foot steps! That's right, she is a 2nd generation groomer!
Hannah Rich: Hannah has been grooming for 7 years. She went through grooming school, and earned her certification. She has been here grooming with us for 2 years now!
Come by and meet the groomers or call today and book your fur baby and appointment!
We here at Wagg N Tails Salon have always loved animals. We have never fostered because we know we would be typical "foster fails" and would want to keep them all! One thing that we gladly do here is groom/bathe adoptable dogs for free to help beautify them on the outside so their personalities on the inside can show through to the outside. We call it "Operation Adorable Adoptables". If you are a nonprofit organization and want us to groom an adoptable baby, feel free to give us a call! 336 526-2726 Thank you