Hope Hill Spiritual Retreat

Hope Hill Spiritual Retreat Hope Hill is Positive Christianity's private prayer retreat. Available as a vacation rental for re-charge and deep renewal.

May 4, 2024a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.netSaturday Inspirations (Submitted with our great thanks)"In Him was li...

May 4, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

Saturday Inspirations

(Submitted with our great thanks)

"In Him was life, and the life was the light of all people."
John 1:4


I've never made a fortune and it's probably too late now. But I don't worry about that much, I'm happy anyhow.

And as I go along life's way, I'm reaping better than I sowed. I'm drinking from my saucer, 'cause my cup has overflowed.

Haven't got a lot of riches, and sometimes the going's tough. But I've got loving ones around me, and that makes me rich enough.

I thank God for his blessings, and the mercies God's bestowed. I'm drinking from my saucer, 'cause my cup has overflowed.

O, Remember times when things went wrong, my faith wore somewhat thin. But all at once the dark clouds broke, and sun peeped through again.

So Lord, help me not to gripe about the tough rows that I've hoed. I'm drinking from my saucer, 'cause my cup has overflowed.

If God gives me strength and courage, when the way grows steep and rough. I'll not ask for other blessings, I'm already blessed enough.

And may I never be too busy, to help others bear their loads. Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer, 'Cause my cup has overflowed.

George McPhee


The Coloring Book by Virginia (Ginny) Ellis

The child looked at her coloring book,
"Mama, what should I draw?"
"Oh, something pretty that you like, dear,
Something nice that you saw."
And so the child set to work,
With all of her crayons and paints,
Lost in a world all her own,
She painted without restraint.
At the end of the day, the child displayed
with pride, what she had done,
A sheet of many colored blobs.
"Oh, honey," Mama smiled, "What fun."
The child's grave face looked up at her Mom,
She spoke, as if to defend,
"I've made a picture of all of us,
Our family, our pets, and our friends."
Then she went on to further explain
What each colored daub really meant,
Her Mom listened and watched with love,
And with honest astonishment.
"Grandma is Lavender,
Grandpa is Gray,
Mama is Rose,
And Daddy is Beige."
"Big brother is Brown,
Baby sister is Pink,
Auntie is Blue,
Or Violet, I think."
"The kittens have Stripes,
The puppies have Spots,
The pet turtle is Purple,
And the ants, Orange Dots."
"The fireman's Red,
The policeman, dark Blue,
The doctor is White,
And the nurses are, too."
"Brave soldiers are Tan,
Gardeners are Green.
And angels are Gold,
Just like in my dreams."
"People come in all colors,
Black, Brown, White, or Red,
But they're all the same, Mama,"
The child smiled and said.
"I wanted to draw a picture of God,
I couldn't, 'cuz I'm just a kid."
"Oh, darling," her Mama said, with a hug,
"You did, sweetheart, you just did."


Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

As it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.



I take a serenity break in prayer to review spirituality in my day.


"When the heart weeps for what is lost, the spirit laughs for what it has found."
Sufi Saying


Support this on-going magnificent work of God.
Instant online, or recurring​ monthly giving​:


By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387

Reply - Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.

There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Television channels (Free Service): ON OUR WEBSITE



Christopher Ian Chenoweth and our prayer team.

Positive Daily InspirationMay 3, 2024a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net──────────── • ● • ────────────Today's Mess...

Positive Daily Inspiration

May 3, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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Today's Message:


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart … In all your ways acknowledge God, and God will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5,6

When meditating on the word "Guidance" you will see the word "dance" at the end of the word. Doing God's will is a lot like dancing. When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky. When one person relaxes and lets the other lead, both bodies began to flow with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing lightly in one direction or another. It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other.

When you meditate on the word "guidance" you will see "G" first, this makes you think of God. It is followed by "U" and "I". God, "U" and "I" dance. God, you and I dance. This is what guidance means. You become willing to trust and become willing to let God lead.

This dance helps you to realize your full potential. The wisdom of God always guides you.

How can you begin to realize your full potential? The most profound wisdom is available to you at all times, for within you is God's guiding illumining Spirit.

When you are standing at a crossroad with several ways open to you, God directs you to your highest good.

You still your questioning, searching mind and look for God for true guidance. As you turn to God, you become aware of new ideas - Divine Ideas - true ideas that encourage you to stretch and reach higher.

No matter how simple or complex the situation may appear to you, you know that you can depend on God as your source of unlimited wisdom. God never fails to give you new understanding.

You give thanks to God today and every day for the courage, strength, and the will to act on the guidance and inspiration you receive. Your dance will be successful.



Dear God, in all my ways, God, I acknowledge You. I know that You direct me, guide me, and show me the way I should go. I know when I let go of my human struggle and turn to You, Your still, small voice is ever there. You go before me to make the crooked places straight. Always I am assured of Your love, Your guidance, and Your care. I feel the serenity of Your presence. I am thankful for the atmosphere of Divine love in which I live, move, breathe and have my existence. I go about my day's tasks, now, God, and as I do so, I know that You are with me, guiding each step as I move forward into new and fulfilling experiences.

In Jesus Christ's name … Amen


I am ever aware of God's guidance in my mind. I draw on the wisdom of God for inspiration and I am successful.


"He who endeavors to control the mind by force is a tyrant, and he who submits is a slave."
Robert Ingersoll


Support this on-going magnificent work of God.
Instant online, or recurring monthly giving:


By mail: Positive Christianity, Box 7993, Woodlands, TX 77387

Click here: https://positivechristianity.net/request-htm/ to open a prayer request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.

There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Television channels (Free Service): ON OUR WEBSITE



Christopher Ian Chenoweth and our prayer team.

Positive Daily InspirationMay 2, 2024a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net──────────── • ● • ────────────Today's Mess...

Positive Daily Inspiration

May 2, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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Today's Message:

Right Place - Right Time

"Your hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn Your commandments."
Psalms 119:73

Some people wait their whole lives for conditions to seem right before feeling confident enough to truly express themselves. They make excuses that conditions are right yet, and yet they forget about God's help available right where they are. Some people never realize their dreams because they are locked behind their excuses. God can make the place where we are, the right place of spiritual growth.

Sometimes that is is a place where we stay, and sometimes it is a place where we just transition through, guided by God to our greater God-given good.

Being in the right place may mean you are not always comfortable with everything that is happening in your life. God can make the uncomfortable places into breeding grounds of opportunity. Working through problems and gaining understanding, you sometimes stretch beyond what you believe you can do. But, thank God, you discover you can do more with God's help.

Sometimes our greatest soul growth comes in places where we are temporarily uncomfortable, or perhaps feeling unsure of ourselves.

Whether you are starting a new job or a new relationship, you have much to learn, and to share. Whether you are continuing on a familiar path, or blazing a new trail, there is something for you to give and receive.

You are never alone. God is with you helping you to succeed in HUGE ways.

There is really no mystery to unravel; you know that you can always be in your right place. God's presence makes the place where you stand the right place. God can make the uncomfortable - comfortable, the unbearable - bearable, the unsure - a place of assurance. You can know that any place is right as long as you are totally aware of God's presence and help.

The right timing is regulated and given to you by God. GPS - A God Positioning System - will place you on the right path to your desired destination.



Dear God, I am so thankful that You fill me with Your light to show me the way.

You gently guide me so that I am sure and steady.

You lead me to the place where I can be most helpful, and You remind me to be confident and stand firm once I am there. The timing is always perfect because You make time.

You direct my thoughts so that I am enriched by Divine ideas. And You help me to use those ideas to enhance the lives of those around me.

Dear God, here are my hands, my heart, my whole being. Use me. I want to be Your light and love in action. I am ready to spread goodwill wherever I am.

I remember the words of Galatians 5:25, "If we live by the Spirit, let us also, be guided by the Spirit."

In all I do, I trust in Your unfailing light. I live in You, and I live by Your guidance.

Your light burns so brightly within me that it radiates out from me to embrace others with wisdom and understanding.

Thank You, dear God, for the guidance I receive daily from Your loving Spirit.

In Jesus Christ's name … Amen


God you are the Creator of all places and all time, I stand on holy ground.


"Many people fail in life, not for lack of ability or brains, or even courage, but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal."
Elbert Hubbard


Support this on-going magnificent work of God.
Instant online, or recurring monthly giving:


By mail: Positive Christianity, Box 7993, Woodlands, TX 77387

Click here: https://positivechristianity.net/request-htm/ to open a prayer request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.

There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Television channels (Free Service): ON OUR WEBSITE



Christopher Ian Chenoweth and our prayer team.

Positive Daily InspirationMay 1, 2024a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net──────────── • ● • ────────────Today's Mess...

Positive Daily Inspiration

May 1, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

──────────── • ● • ────────────

Today's Message:


"I do not speak on my own authority; but the Father who dwells in me does His works."
John 14:10

Spirituality should have shallows a child could wade in, and depths a giant could not stand in.

There are many levels to spirituality and every day, Positive Christianity seeks to aid you on your spiritual path, whatever that may be. We do not seek to change you from your faith path, but rather, to be an auxiliary to your faith through Positive Inspiration and our prayer ministry.

Positive Christianity goes to people of every faith around the globe seeking to daily uplift, support, and inspire.

Today, do not allow tension to build up in you. Join us in our quest to experience God and find inner peace.

If you find yourself becoming anxious or unhappy about some state of affairs to the point of resentment, think about this -

Resentment means RE-SET-ME.

How do we re-set ourselves when we find that we are off kilter and unbalanced?

With our free-will, we say "Yes" to God. We will - the will of God instead of our own.

I Will - Thy Will

Sometimes, life gives us a cactus. When this happens, we often grab hold and squeeze, savoring the suffering; we have even been so bold to say that it is God's will that we suffer.

Jesus was not the law-giver but the law-liver. We must do what he told us to do and follow Him in doing it.

Today, we let go of personal Will, and all the pushing to make things go our way, and we let God do God's perfect work in and through us.

We remember what Jesus said, "I do nothing of myself." He knew that it was the Father, abiding in Him, who did the work. At those times when we try to do everything by ourselves, when we feel the heavyweight of responsibility on our shoulders, we say to ourselves, "I Will - Thy Will."

We remind ourselves that it is not I, but God abiding within me, who does God's works. Life ceases to be a struggle and becomes fun again, when we let God takeover and do the work through us. Resentment fades away under the bright light of God

With God's constant help, we are free from tension, stress, and strain as we let go and let God do God's perfect work in us and all around us. We find that we are able to relax again. We can stay poised and undisturbed always and under all circumstances.

With God, we have a new inner-security as well as an assurance that the highest and best will become manifest as God works through us.

I Will - Thy Will this day, and you will find inner peace and joy.



(Based on Positive Christianity Prayer CD - "Healing Heart Illnesses")

"Put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts." Colossians 3:14,15

I decree in Jesus Christ name that God governs the pace of your heart and the tempo of its beat. God establishes perfect balance in all areas of circulation in your body. There is only the right action of God's love flowing through you at all times. Your heart beats in perfect rhythm; perfect order shines forth in every area of your body.

You are this moment in tune with God's harmonious life, and you are at peace. You acknowledge God's stabilizing influence, and your whole life takes on a wondrous calm. There is no hurry; there is no wasted energy. There is only God's harmonizing, miracle working power moving through you, setting the tempo, guiding you right in all the ways and areas of your body.

No matter what you may have experienced in the past or what you may have to meet now, you know that God is with you. The rhythm of God's life and love blesses your heart and all the functions and activities of your life. Your heart and your life are sustained in the perfect balance of God.

God the creator of your heart and source of life of your heart causes a regeneration of every cell under the Divine blueprint of perfection. You rejoice and give thanks because God is causing perfect adjustment and movement within the heart mechanism and the arteries and veins attached to it.

God uses all channels to heal you, spiritual, and human. Any human that touches you does so under the direct guidance of God. You consent to God restoring your health, vitality, and energy with an immediate Divine intervention of lasting life-long help.

It is so … Amen


Nothing can defeat God's purpose in my life. I Will - Thy Will!


"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Ghandi


Support this on-going magnificent work of God.
Instant online, or recurring monthly giving:


By mail: Positive Christianity, Box 7993, Woodlands, TX 77387

Click here: https://positivechristianity.net/request-htm/ to open a prayer request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.

There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Television channels (Free Service): ON OUR WEBSITE


Christopher Ian Chenoweth and our prayer tea

Positive Daily InspirationApril 30, 2024a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net──────────── • ● • ────────────"Teach me...

Positive Daily Inspiration

April 30, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net
──────────── • ● • ────────────

"Teach me the way I should go."
Psalm 143:8

Clothe yourself with Power from on High.

Job 32:8 says, "But it is the spirit in a human, the breath of the Almighty, that makes them understand."

There is a Spirit in you; a Spirit that is beyond the human spirit. You are anointed with this spiritual power.

There is a breajeal to your understanding the Truth that is already yours.

The wisjm, understanding and discernment.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Dear Gjthis moment, my understanding is increased.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Your minjpendent on these alone for knowledge.

You have a teachable spirit and you look to God's wisdom.

In the Truth you rest, in the silence of prayer …

We have jtly revealed to us as light and inspiration.


The Sjves you an illumined path of righteousness, peace, and plenty.

From actinjom flowing within.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

In Jesus Christ's name we pray … Amen.



I am one with the all-knowing mind of Christ. I know. I remember. I understand. I express myself perfectly!


"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death."
Anais Nin


Support this on-going magnificent work of God.
Instant online, or recurring monthly giving:


By mail: Positive Christianity, Box 7993, Woodlands, TX 77387

Click here: https://positivechristianity.net/request-htm/ to open a prayer request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.

There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Television channels (Free Service): ON OUR WEBSITE


Christopher Ian Chenoweth and our prayer team.

Positive Daily InspirationApril 29, 2024a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net──────────── • ● • ────────────Today's M...

Positive Daily Inspiration

April 29, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

──────────── • ● • ────────────

Today's Message:


"I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth … and He will declare to you the things that are to come."
John 16:12-13

Someone once told me that HOW is none of my business. The HOW is God's business. Whenever we are given a vision or a message or an urging of something greater in our lives, usually our first question is HOW? How can I take that trip? How can I take that job? How am I going to write a book? How am I going to afford THAT????? Sound familiar?

In each transition of my life, I feel that I have come a great way - a great way towards complete faith and trust in God's good for me, a great way towards loving others, a great way towards what God wants from me in my life. And in this feeling of accomplishment there comes a feeling of humbleness - because God continues to lead me to greater and higher planes within this life … further than I ever imagined I could go … and I never knew the HOW at any of the beginnings. When I look back upon the beginnings and the endings, I have to smile, because if I had known at the beginning what I would be doing to get to the ending, I would have been too terrified to travel that journey. Yet, God was and continues to be with me every step of the way. This fills me with a joy that is

indescribable. It fills me with more courage than I ever thought I would find within myself. It fills me with awe at the fearlessness that surrounds me, each and every moment.

Are you obsessed with HOW you are going to get to a place that you feel God is guiding you toward? Are you frustrated? Are you worried or concerned?

As Jesus said: "I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth … and He will declare to you the things that are to come." God journeys with us. God assists us along our way, as we most need spiritual understanding.

Can you let go of your need to know HOW, right now?



Dear God, I release my needs to know exactly how something will come about in my life. I take up an unfailing faith, each and every moment, right now and right here.

I allow myself to let go of all that concerns me and worries me or that frustrates me or that brings me fear. I consciously release these discomforts and bring into my consciousness and into my body your infinite comfort and understanding.

I allow myself to rest within you, knowing that all I need is right here, at this moment in time. Each and every step of my journey is clear and effortless, and I trust, wholly and completely, that all is made known to me, in time's perfection and in Your Will.

In gratitude, I pray, in the nature and through the power of Jesus Christ … Amen.


God is my refuge and my strength, my instant and unfailing help. I dwell in the security of God's presence forever.


"Patience and the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown."
Chinese Proverb


Support this on-going magnificent work of God.
Instant online, or recurring monthly giving:


By mail: Positive Christianity, Box 7993, Woodlands, TX 77387


Click here: https://positivechristianity.net/request-htm/ to open a prayer request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.

There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Television channels (Free Service): ON OUR WEBSITE



Christopher Ian Chenoweth and our prayer team.

Positive Daily InspirationApril 28, 2024a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net──────────── • ● • ────────────Sunday Fu...

Positive Daily Inspiration

April 28, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

──────────── • ● • ────────────

Sunday Funnies

(Submitted with our great thanks)

"It is the Spirit itself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ."
Romans 8:16-17

One day, three men were hiking and unexpectedly came upon a large raging, violent river. They needed to get to the other side, but had no idea of how to do so. The first man prayed to God, saying, "Please God, give me the strength to cross this river."

P**f! God gave him big arms and strong legs, and he was able to swim across the river in about two hours, after almost drowning a couple of times.

Seeing this, the second man prayed to God, saying, "Please God, give me the strength and the tools to cross this river."

P**f! God gave him a rowboat and he was able to row across the river in about an hour, after almost capsizing the boat a couple of times.

The third man had seen how this worked out for the other two, so he also prayed to God saying, "Please God, give me the strength and the tools … and the intelligence … to cross this river."

And p**f! God turned him into a woman. She looked at the map, hiked upstream a couple of hundred yards, then walked across the bridge.


Curtis & Leroy saw an ad in the Starkville Daily News Newspaper in Starkville, MS. and bought a mule for $100.

The farmer agreed to deliver the mule the next day …

The next morning the farmer drove up and said, "Sorry, fellows, I have some bad news, the mule died last night."

Curtis & Leroy replied, "Well, then just give us our money back."

The farmer said, "Can't do that. I went and spent it already."

They said, "OK then, just bring us the dead mule."

The farmer asked, "What in the world ya'll gonna do with a dead mule?"

Curtis said, "We gonna raffle him off."

The farmer said, "You can't raffle off a dead mule!"

Leroy said, "We shore can! Heck, we don't hafta tell nobody he's dead!"

A couple of weeks later, the farmer ran into Curtis & Leroy at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store and asked.

"What'd you fellers ever do with that dead mule?"

They said, "We raffled him off like we said we wuz gonna do."

Leroy said, "Shucks, we sold 500 tickets fer two dollars apiece and made a profit of $998."

The farmer said, "My Lord, didn't anyone complain?"

Curtis said, "Well, the feller who won got upset. So, we gave him his two dollars back."



Today, dear God, I claim my spiritual gifts of love, life, wisdom, and joy.

I walk a godly path. I dare to believe that I am a child of God.

I dare to feel and act like the child of God that I am.

I meet each day free from believe in limitations of the past, free from a belief in negative influences of any kind.

I am filled with a feeling of oneness with God.

In Jesus Christ name … Amen


The truth has set me free, I am an heir to Divine inheritance of God's good


"Only the shallow know themselves."
Oscar Wilde


Support this on-going magnificent work of God.
Instant online, or recurring monthly giving:


By mail: Positive Christianity, Box 7993, Woodlands, TX 77387

Click here: https://positivechristianity.net/request-htm/ to open a prayer request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.

There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Television channels (Free Service): ON OUR WEBSITE

Christopher Ian Chenoweth and our prayer team.

Positive Daily InspirationApril 27, 2024a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net──────────── • ● • ────────────Saturday ...

Positive Daily Inspiration

April 27, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

──────────── • ● • ────────────

Saturday Inspirations

(Submitted with our great thanks)

"Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!"
Psalms 31:24

Audrey Hepburn's Beauty Tips

1. For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

2. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.

3. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.

4. For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.

5. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.

6. People, even more than things, must be restored, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone.

7. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of each of your arms.

8. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

9. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from inside her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.

10. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows.

11. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.



A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape … but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape …

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything … but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear …

A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her … but a woman of strength gives the best of her to everyone …

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future … but a woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be God's blessings and capitalizes on them …

A strong woman walks sure footedly … but a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls …

A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face … but a woman of strength wears grace …

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey … but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong …



Dear God, through You I feel courage and a feeling of poise and being serene.
Through Your presence I carry a blessing of power.
Through You, nothing dismays me, nothing daunts me.
You are with me and I can do whatever is needed to enrich my life.
Thank You God


God keeps me steadfast, positive and secure. There is only God and good in my life.


"Some fellows pay a compliment like they expected a receipt."

Kin Hubbart


Support this on-going magnificent work of God.
Instant online, or recurring monthly giving:


By mail: Positive Christianity, Box 7993, Woodlands, TX 77387

Click here: https://positivechristianity.net/request-htm/ to open a prayer request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.

There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Television channels (Free Service): ON OUR WEBSITE

Christopher Ian Chenoweth and our prayer team.

Positive Daily InspirationApril 26, 2024a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net──────────── • ● • ────────────Today's M...

Positive Daily Inspiration

April 26, 2024

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

──────────── • ● • ────────────

Today's Message:


"The rough ways shall be made smooth."
Luke 3:5

Dear God, today, I ask in prayer that you will light my way, and lighten my load. Give me the wisdom to know who I am, and what I am to do, and to be. Let me see in myself that which You would express through me.

Dear God, govern my thinking. Keep it true to Your truth. Help me to be constructive, productive, and positive, in my every thought. Strengthen me in my decision to be receptive, teachable, and flexible, so that Your wisdom can guide and direct me.

Dear God, hold me steady. Let me not waver or vacillate. Direct my steps into paths that enable me to grow in the ways I am meant to grow, to give in the ways I am meant to give. Make me wise and understanding, so that I can recognize and accept all the opportunities that life offers me.

Dear God, I pray that I express the perfection of Your life in my life, today. I now, joyfully, free myself of anything--mental or physical--which may detract from the manifestation of God's perfect health and wholeness. I accept the ideas that come to me from You, and I use that which I receive, wisely and with love.

Dear God, I am open and receptive to the spiritual ideas that enrich my life, in all areas. Through Divine guidance and inspiration, my every step is illumined.

Dear God, I agree to be a loving, radiating center of peace. In all situations, I pray that I will remain calm and collected. I agree, in prayer, that regardless of appearances, regardless of what others may say, I will stand firm in faith and hold to the truth that You are at work in my life.

Dear God, I know that I am governed and directed by Your light. I am in harmony with Your Divine timing. Moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day, I feel that all is well, for I live in Your light.

Thank you, God, for making the rough ways smooth in my daily life.

In Jesus Christ's name … Amen



I am thankful that I have God's constant help, as an ever-enfolding creation of the Creator. With God's help, I am making progress every day.


Happiness is a state of activity."


Support this on-going magnificent work of God.
Instant online, or recurring monthly giving:


By mail: Positive Christianity, Box 7993, Woodlands, TX 77387

Click here: https://positivechristianity.net/request-htm/ to open a prayer request.
Positive Christianity will pray with you, daily, for an entire 2 months.

There Is Never a Charge for Prayer.

Television channels (Free Service): ON OUR WEBSITE

Christopher Ian Chenoweth and our prayer team.


Ellijay, GA


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