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Economic Development; my support compared to my opponent's, Brett Fairchild, opposition to Star Bonds to assist Kansas City Chiefs moving their Sports Stadium across the border, has become a big issue in the campaign to replace him in the State Legislature. When the voters in Jackson County, MO, voted down a sales tax increase to renovate Arrowhead Stadium, NO meant NO!
During a Special Session of the Kansas Legislature passage of a Star Bond proposal, supported by the Scope and Score Lobbyist group hired by the Kansas City Chiefs Leadership, to build a new Domed Sports Stadium on the Kansas side of the border prevailed over the Incumbent’s NO vote.
Did he mean it? Read his page calling Star Bonds corporate welfare, bragging he voted NO even on the $4 billion dollar battery plant under construction in De Soto, KS and vowing to vote NO on all Star Bond Economic Development Projects.
In contrast, Jo Ann Roth has a positive view of Economic Development, which promotes Hope in our future! Jo Ann showed her support for the Kansas City Chiefs on roll call night by what she wore. Now you can support keeping the Chiefs when you VOTE ROTH!