THANK YOU to Christine, Dana, & Kristina for your recent contributions towards my foster kitties! We’ve received wet food, treats, cleaning supplies, and this comfy, spooky (my vibe!) hideaway Tamagotchi and Tech Deck are really enjoying!
Tamagotchi and Tech Deck, the two newest additions to the rescue room, were brought to me after their (former) human guardian decided she had too much going on in her personal life to handle the two kittens she recently took in from someone else that was giving them away online. They will be getting spayed/neutered when age appropriate (likely in January when they’re 3 months old) and then put up for adoption to find their forever families. In the meantime, they are spoiled with all sorts of goodies thanks to your kindness 🖤
Also, sorry if you sent something and I didn’t list your name! I likely didn’t receive it yet but will be sure to add your name to this post when it comes!