Shinda is 1.5 male Golden Retriever. We have MANY male and female Goldens available now. If you want more information call 916-655-1410
Luka is a one and a half year old Golden. He is an owner surrender and is housebroken. Best as an only pet. Hear his story. More information also at
Charlie is a six year old Golden who would do best with no dogs or cats. Kids 7 plus and he loves people. He is ball obsessed.
Biscuit is a two year old Golden who likes dogs and would be good with kids 13 plus. He needs training to work on his mouthiness. He is available now at
Gizmo is a one and a half year old Golden mix. Big boy! Good with dogs.
Cooper is a one year old Golden mix. He was a stray running with another dog. He loves people and good with kids 7 plus. Cats unknown.
Stanley is a young boy, around one year old, who got a bum start in life. With a partial sight impairment, he is looking for stability and someone(s) to guide him visually and with his schooling for a chance at love and home. He is accepting of other dogs and older kids.
Homeward Bound will provide support to potential adopters for Stanley’s medical needs.
Approved adopters can call the office to make an appointment to meet Stanley, 916-655-1410.
#adoptme #rescuedog #specialneedsdog #goldenretriever #adoptdontshop
Stanley is a one year old Golden Retriever who has some medical issues. Ready for adoption. Accepting of dogs and old kids as he jumps.
ADOPTED: Ranger 1.5 year old male lives with kids, cats and an older German Shepherd.
ADOPTED-Daisy is a 2.5 year old Golden owner surrender. They kept her as an outside dog and she lived kids when they came outside. I heard a volunteer say she is a perfect dog.
ADOPTED-Sonny is an 8 month old purebred Labrador Retreiver. He is an owner surrender from a hunting line - AKC. He lived with children and another dog. He loves all dogs. He does need training as he is an an active age.