Encinitas Bee Company

Encinitas Bee Company We gently and humanly remove your bees, and find them good homes in San Diego to maintain a healthy local bee population.

Live Removal 760.579.8527

Honey and bee products call or text Rosaline 760-579-8527 Live chemical free bee and wasp removal.

I'm immune to bee stings. And they are super good for you. Bee venom therapy boosts your immune system and cures what ai...

I'm immune to bee stings. And they are super good for you. Bee venom therapy boosts your immune system and cures what ails you..I get stung every single day.


I have absolutely no idea why my personal posts are showing up on my business page. I'm just going to run with it for now

My girls. Trust me , you don't want to get on the wrong side of any of them 🤣

My girls. Trust me , you don't want to get on the wrong side of any of them 🤣

Honey, lemon ,garlic, ginger and Ceylon Cinnamon.   Rosaline Hogling and myself drink about  a quart  per day.   Tumeric...

Honey, lemon ,garlic, ginger and Ceylon Cinnamon.
Rosaline Hogling and myself drink about a quart per day.
Tumeric and Clove drank separately with meals.
People keep asking if this is a cure for our long covid and the answer is f*** no. The only cure is time. But it does take the edge off.
I do feel way worse if I don't drink it. Both Rose and I are way better than at the start of long covid and should make a complete recovery
We have had long Covid for almost 2 years now. 😭

Can you imagine spraying a few gallons of poison on this hive. Lots of people do it. That poison goes everywhere plus we...

Can you imagine spraying a few gallons of poison on this hive. Lots of people do it. That poison goes everywhere plus we need our bees.

I'm a  mommy's  boy. I do love that woman.

I'm a mommy's boy. I do love that woman.

Viral bee post.Did you know that... there are living enzymes in 🍯 honey?   Did you know that... it is not recommended to...

Viral bee post.
Did you know that... there are living enzymes in 🍯 honey?

Did you know that... it is not recommended to store your metal spoon within your honey for long periods of time as this will then cause the metal corrosion.
Did you know that... there are between 10 and 80,000 bees in one hive?
Did you know that... Honey contains a substance that helps the human brain work better?
Did you know that...honey is the ONLY food on earth that alone...can sustain human life?
Did you know that bees saved people in Africa from starvation?
Did you know that... One teaspoon of honey is enough to sustain human life for 24 hours?
Did you know that... Propolis produced by bees is the most powerful natural ANTIBIOTIC?
Did you know that... to get 1g. poison, need a sting from over 10,000 bees?
Did you know that... honey has no expiration date?
Did you know that... honey is the first form (currency)
of the world... as payment?
Do you know that... to gain 1 kg. honey do you need the nectar of over 1,000,000 flowers?
Did you know that... The first coins in the world had a painted bee 🐝?
Did you know that...honey is best consumed with honeycomb?
Did you know that... there is a special wooden spoon for honey, not a metal one?
Did you know that... bee pastures are the healthiest food in the world?
Did you know that... Pollen can have more than 1500 colors and shades?
Did you know that... a bee can fly at a speed of over 60 km/h?
Did you know that... In Great Britain, the royal family consumes Romanian honey?
Did you know that... manna honey... is made from the saliva of some bugs called "fatties"?
Did you know that... the bodies of the great emperors of the world were buried in golden caskets and then covered with honey to prevent rotting?
Did you know that bees are the ONLY bugs that produce food for humans?
Did you know that... The name "HONEYMOON" comes from the fact that newlyweds consumed honey and mead for fertility after the wedding?
Did you know that... The mother (queen) lays twice her weight in eggs in one day?
- Did you know that... The mother has a "section" called the spermatic cord?
- Did you know... that bees flap their wings more than 11,000 times a minute?
Did you know that... the only honey that can be enjoyed by those allergic to bee products is manna (manuka) honey.
Did you know that...manuka honey is the best honey for women?
Did you know that... Acacia honey is not sweetened?
Do you know that...
A bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1000 flowers and produces less than a teaspoon of honey, but for her it's a lifetime! ❤️

Thanks, BEES! 🐝 🍯🙏🐝🍯🙏🐝🍯🙌

Viral b.s. alert.     Just another expensive supplement. Bees get all the mycelium they need from rotting wood.  If you ...

Viral b.s. alert.
Just another expensive supplement. Bees get all the mycelium they need from rotting wood. If you want to help the bees. Just put out wood chippings.

Visionary researcher Paul Stamets has spent more than 40 years studying mycelium and its role in sustaining life from the ground up. Now he's using those restorative properties to save the bees from extinction.

A sting operation to save Elephants, with no stingsApril 4, 2023It's a familiar, dreaded scenario in many parts of Afric...

A sting operation to save Elephants, with no stings
April 4, 2023
It's a familiar, dreaded scenario in many parts of Africa and Asia: An elephant shows up, wanders into farmers' fields, and tramples and eats crops. Sometimes farmers fight back, and elephants are killed.

That series of events seemed likely to play out recently when a forest elephant bull emerged from the dense jungle surrounding Gbarnjala village in northwestern Liberia.
But this time, things went differently. The munching bull heard an angry buzzing sound. It froze mid-chew, then high-tailed it out of there.

The bull had heard the sound of a disturbed hive of bees -- and like elephants all over the world, it had learned to avoid the insect sound. But in this case, no bees were present. He had triggered a BuzzBox, an audio technology that aims to keep elephants and people apart.

Video footage of the incident is the first proof that the boxes are an effective deterrent, said Tina Vogt, technical director of Elephant Research and Conservation, a German nonprofit group testing the devices in Liberia.

"We have reports from farmers saying, 'Oh yeah, it's really working,' but now this video is really evidence of that," Vogt said.

Conflict between humans and elephants is an urgent problem across Africa. As human populations grow, people are encroaching on formerly wild areas. "Elephants are getting more and more compressed into smaller spaces," said Lucy King, head of the human-elephant coexistence program at Save the Elephants, which is helping to deploy the BuzzBox.

Elephants can take an entire year's harvest overnight and occasionally kill people they encounter. This breeds fear, anger and intolerance for the animals, eroding community support for their conservation and sometimes leading to retaliation.

"Human-elephant conflict feeds into the issue of local people being recruited into poaching gangs," said Francesca Mahoney, founder and director of Wild Survivors, a nonprofit based in England that developed the BuzzBox.

Bees are an increasingly popular means of trying to quell that conflict.

Rock art from South Africa, suggests ancient human awareness of elephants' fear of bees, King said. That knowledge made its way into a scientific study in 2002, after Maasai honey hunters in Kenya told researchers that elephants never damaged trees that contained beehives.

King applied what she learned to create wire fences upon which beehives hang. When elephants disturb the fence, the hives swing and the bees swarm. A study King led in 2017 revealed that beehive fences had an 80% success rate in keeping elephants off farms. "Finding a natural threat to scare elephants in the most holistic way possible, without terrifying them or making them go into pain, is really useful for management," she said.

In some cases, though, hives full of aggressive African honey bees are not ideal. "You really don't want to put live bees in places like school grounds or around water tanks in the middle of a community," King said.

The BuzzBox provides the sound of bees without the stingers. Developed in 2017 by the Wild Survivors' chair, Martyn Griffiths, the latest model costs $100 and is simple enough for schoolchildren to build. The solar-powered boxes detect moving objects, which triggers audio to play. The devices can be programmed with sounds including barking dogs, chain saws, human voices, gunshots or screaming goats. The newest version contains strobe lights, Mahoney said, "so it's a bit of a disco for night-raiding elephants."

King stressed that bees and BuzzBoxes would not solve the problem of shrinking wild space in Africa, but were just two implements in "a whole human-elephant coexistence toolbox."

She hopes the Liberia example will inspire other groups working with forest elephants. "These BuzzBoxes are not only keeping elephants out, but getting communities to ask questions like, 'Why should we care?'" King said. "The education opportunity is immense."


WASHINGTON — US honey production totaled 125,331,000 lbs in 2022, down 1.1% from 126,744,000 lbs in 2021 and the lowest ...

WASHINGTON — US honey production totaled 125,331,000 lbs in 2022, down 1.1% from 126,744,000 lbs in 2021 and the lowest in records back to 1987 when production was 235,436,000 lbs, the US Department of Agriculture said in its annual Honey report released March 17.

Honey was harvested from 2,667,000 colonies in 2022, down 1.1% from 2,697,000 colonies in 2021. Average yield per colony was 47 lbs, unchanged from the prior year.
The price of honey sold through private, cooperative and retail channels averaged a record high $2.96 per lb in 2022, up 12% from $2.65 per lb in 2021.

The total value of honey production in 2022 was estimated at $370,980,000, up 10% from $335,872,000 in 2021.

So my blueberries have been blooming like crazy. and the bees have taken notice. (None to show today because of the weat...

So my blueberries have been blooming like crazy. and the bees have taken notice. (None to show today because of the weather.)

I've been hearing about this little guy for years. I'll get more news about it later. But I honestly think mites just ev...

I've been hearing about this little guy for years. I'll get more news about it later. But I honestly think mites just evolve so much faster than bees. We will never truly have a mite resistant bee. And will always need to resort to some treatment or another. I think that these mites are going to hit America hard we'd better be ready.
Having said all that the Africanized bee is mite resistant . I just don't think we have the numbers of domestic bees to ever do the same at an apiary that is done in a wild.

Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/InsideTheHiveTV Join this channel: Tropilaelaps video: https://youtu.be/65FBpI29xkk___________________________...

Viral bee memes and news go here. I want this to be the place for the latest bee news and funny bee memes. One stop shop...

Viral bee memes and news go here. I want this to be the place for the latest bee news and funny bee memes. One stop shop.

The astonishing behavioural repertoires of social insects have been thought largely innate, but these insects have repea...

The astonishing behavioural repertoires of social insects have been thought largely innate, but these insects have repeatedly demonstrated remarkable capacities for both individual and social learning. Using the bumblebee Bombus terrestris as a model, we developed a two-option puzzle box task and used open diffusion paradigms to observe the transmission of novel, nonnatural foraging behaviours through populations. Box-opening behaviour spread through colonies seeded with a demonstrator trained to perform 1 of the 2 possible behavioural variants, and the observers acquired the demonstrated variant. This preference persisted among observers even when the alternative technique was discovered. In control diffusion experiments that lacked a demonstrator, some bees spontaneously opened the puzzle boxes but were significantly less proficient than those that learned in the presence of a demonstrator. This suggested that social learning was crucial to proper acquisition of box opening. Additional open diffusion experiments where 2 behavioural variants were initially present in similar proportions ended with a single variant becoming dominant, due to stochastic processes. We discuss whether these results, which replicate those found in primates and birds, might indicate a capacity for culture in bumblebees.
Box-opening behaviour spread through bumblebee colonies under open diffusion conditions
To determine whether bumblebees could acquire and sustain cultural variation, we designed two-option puzzle boxes that could be opened by rotating a clear lid around a central axis by either pushing a red tab clockwise or a blue tab counter-clockwise (termed the “red-pushing behavioural variant” and “the blue-pushing behavioural variant,” respectively) to expose a 50% w/w sucrose solution reward, as indicated by a yellow target (Fig 1A). Video files showing bees performing both behavioural variants are available in the Supporting information. Stages of the incremental training protocol developed for demonstrators are depicted in Fig 1B, and full details of this and the open diffusion protocol can be found in the Materials and methods. Demonstrators trained to perform the red- and blue-pushing behavioural variants will henceforth be referred to as “red-pushing demonstrators” and “blue-pushing demonstrators,” respectively. We conducted 3 experiments in total, with Experiments 1 and 2 involving the seeding of a single trained demonstrator into a population (and open diffusion experiments being conducted over 6 or 12 consecutive days, respectively). We also provided opportunities for bees to innovate and solve the boxes without social input, in control populations where no demonstrator was present. Experiment 3 involved the seeding of multiple demonstrators into a population (including 2 red-pushing demonstrators and 2 blue-pushing demonstrators) and was conducted over 12 consecutive days.


For a bee to be successful, it needs to shake its honey maker.Scientists have long known honey bees jiggle their bodies ...

For a bee to be successful, it needs to shake its honey maker.

Scientists have long known honey bees jiggle their bodies to let nestmates know the location of nearby nectar and pollen. Bees choreograph their twists and turns with cues about the direction, distance and even the deliciousness of flowers around the hive.
Now a new study in the journal Science shows that honey bees aren’t entirely born to boogie. To perform their tail-wagging waltz well, young bees need to watch the adults on the dance floor.

“There’s a lot that can go wrong with the waggle dance,” said James C. Nieh, a professor of biological sciences at the University of California at San Diego who co-wrote the paper published Thursday. “So it’s interesting that it’s beneficial for bees to learn from more experienced bees to reduce these errors.” A number of recent experiments show bees and other insects aren’t simply genetically hard-wired to perform certain tasks. Instead, they are capable of imitating one another, a behavior called “social learning” usually associated with bigger-brained creatures, like monkeys and birds.

Bees may have small brains, but they work together to do mighty things with them.

“This is social learning of a really complex communication system,” Nieh said. “One of the most complicated animal communication systems known.”
Bees get a dance lesson
For their research, the team recorded and analyzed footage of European honey bees in 10 colonies in the lab of Ken Tan, a senior professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and another paper co-author. Tan has endured thousand of bee stings over his research career. “I love bees,” he laughed. “For me, it’s nothing.”
other half, young bees were deprived of experienced dance partners with which to practice.

To the human eye, bees dance at breakneck speed. To perform the waggle, the insect shuffles forward while furiously wiggling its abdomen back and forth — “so fast,” Nieh said, “that it usually is a blur.” The bee circles back around to do that gyration again and again, forming a figure-eight pattern on the honeycomb.

The routine is encoded with oodles of information. The angle of the middle of the figure-eight tells foraging bees which direction to fly. More repetitions means richer food. And the more a bee wiggles, the farther away the food is.
Bees about 10 days old without experienced dance partners performed the waggle dance more inconsistently than their 10-day-old counterparts in hives with experienced bees, the study found. Over time, the bees became better at conveying the direction of the nearby food, but they could never get the dance moves for communicating distance quite right.
‘just innate’ — and therefore in many people’s understanding, less impressive,” Lars Chittka, a sensory and behavioral ecologist at Queen Mary University of London, wrote in an email.

But this new research “opens up a wholly new perspective,” said Chittka, who was not involved in the study.

“Cultural spread might have been how some elements of these behaviours first emerged,” he said.

How smart are bees?
Bees work so well together — some scientists call hives “superorganisms” — that people have long thought they had a sophisticated way of communicating

Happy International Women's Day!"Today (Wednesday, March 8) is International Women’s Day. Women have always played an im...

Happy International Women's Day!
"Today (Wednesday, March 8) is International Women’s Day. Women have always played an important role in beekeeping. In developing parts of the world, it is usually women who tend hives and produce honey for their families’ food and cash. In some cases, honey money is a major part of a struggling family’s existence
Here is part of a report about Uganda from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization:

Typically, a trained project officer from the NGO Uganda Women’s Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO) provides training, advice and starter equipment to families supporting orphans and chosen by the local UWESO branch. The beekeepers develop the hives and gradually increase the number, so that after two or three years a family may be operating about 30 hives. Each hive should produce two crops of honey and wax each year, which can be taken to the UWESO collecting centre and sold to local companies for local and export markets. This can provide a return of perhaps US$1400 in a year – well above the average family income level in rural areas..."


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