What a weekend! We would like to personally thank each and every person who has supported IronDog International, and continues to support the shows! What a lineup of competitors who came out and put it all on the field this past weekend in Bradenton Fl! THANK YOU!
To our team, all of Death Dealer Working Dogs who show up time after time and help setup, coordinate and jump in to make sure things are seamless and smooth, we cannot express the gratitude and appreciation we have for each and every one of you. Thank you Team!
The decoys! Without the decoys we have no sport period! These gentleman went out and made safe catches, performed consistent work and made sure everyone stayed safe! Otto, Cash, Evan, Joey, Jamelle, thank you gentleman, you are appreciated!
Our Judge on Sunday for the ID3 Cash! Fantastic job, im proud of you brother, you did a fantastic job, youve been right there from Day 1, i appreciate you Brother!
Full Grip Photography Allie Valera Was our on field photographer and knocked it out of the park! You are the official photographer for IronDog International lady! Thank you!!!
Thank you to Chill Grill for supplying to food for the competitors and spectators all weekend!! The food was awesome, everyone was so friendly and let’s not forget all the music! Yall had us fed and happy each day.
Lastly, A HUGE Thank you to Jillian Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training, without you and your efforts, none of this happens! This woman is the most selfless, hard working real dog woman on the planet. Every detail, shes on it, from dates to the trophys, the score sheets and formulas to hosting. If youve been to IronDog this year and had a great time, thank Jillian! Thank you Fam!
That was a great last trial of the season, we hope to see you all again next season, Thank you all!