Been a rough few weeks. Been hard on all of all of us at home and at at the clinic. Sickness and disease is tough on everyone. Hard to be the one that doesn't feel well. Hard to be the family members or the clients of the one doesn't feel well.
But there have finally been three doctors out of all the specialists I have seen, who are starting to make in roads and early diagnosis concerning my health scare.
And the sun is starting to shine once again. The acupuncture, specialty chiropractor and the Oklahoma allergy clinic have already made it a bit easier to breathe. I still don't have the best of voices but the chest pains are subsiding.
I and we at the clinic appreciate you all being so understanding of some of the changes we have had to implement inorder to allow me time to pursue my own personal health care trail.
Please don't hesitate to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. And don't forget we at Animal Care of Enid are here for your best fur friends.
Ok guys. It's no secret that I, Dr. Bray have been in poor health the past several months. Yet we continue to work and practice veterinary medicine at the clinic, day in and day out. Such is the life of a solo practitioner. You work when you feel good and calling in sick is not a real option.
With my current health problems, I have been doing less physical work with animals at my clinic, in an effort to continue my productive DVM life. I continue to see human real doc's to help diagnose my health issues. (No answers yet 😢)
Inorder to continue working at the things I love. I have had to call in the troops to come to my aid and assistance. Well Saturday morning, with a team effort of certified equine dentists, and another DVM, we are back up and at em!
I can still look and diagnose and think! I just can't take the bumps, bites and kicks right now. Bear with me as we continue to evolve and yet forever remain Animal Care of Enid. Thank you all for your understanding during these difficult times for me, as a person and a veterinary practictoner.