Seamless brunette blending... champagne tones will have you never fighting brass between appointments. As I've gotten busier over the years, I've had to adapt and push clients appointments out a little further. This helps with hair health too, which was an added bonus. I'll never stop learning and trying to be the best... one of my "flexes" as you'll hear me say, is that you CAN go a long time without needing your hair done. As long as you keep up with at home maintenance and take care of it, and come in for trims between sessions... you're going to be in great shape. Even if you're brunette. It's a myth that you HAVE to have your hair toned between color appointments if you just go to a stylist that plans in advance (yep, I plan your entire year when you start coming to me), and focuses on using good products while keeping your hair health. I am not hungry for clients... I am hungry to be the best. Believe it or not, that's important because my decisions aren't made based on wanting to make money off of you. Could I BE any more honest? (read that in a Chandler voice, please)