DOOA Cell Terrariums now in Stock!!
Thanks for another wonderful year 🥳 -Pisces Aquaria 2023
It’s that time of year again.
We are having a Last Minute Holiday sale this Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Christmas Eve) at Pisces Aquaria!
Enjoy 15% off Fish, Plants, and Shrimp
10% off Aquariums and terrariums under 25 gallons
20% off All Hardgoods such as hardscape, fertilizer, fish food and aquascaping tools.
We wanted to give everyone a chance to come in and get some good deals before the Holiday and our extended break.
We will be closed Dec 25-Jan 2nd and be back open with Regular Hours on Wednesday January 3rd.
Thank you for all the support this year! We hope everyone has a good Holiday Break.
New fish and shrimp going in the tanks today!! See you this weekend!
Throwback to our first store tour video! This was taken a few months after we opened to the public! We have come a long way since then! Thank you for the support!
Beautiful Aquascapes on display at Pisces Aquaria, Oregon's only Aquascaping specialty store!
POV you have a rainforest on your desk!
Congratulations Abagaile!
We are closed until 12/28!
Have a safe and happy holiday!
Congratulations Faith, this weeks raffle winner!
They have a choice of a UNS 16t or 3N Rimless aquarium.
We have two more raffles before the year is over! Christmas week we are open Wednesdy and Thursday and have a bigger prize picked out! Really good odds!
Happy Holidays!
We got some new shrimp in to start our week! Orange Sunkist, Blue Velvet, Fire Red, Yellow Goldenback, and Amano Shrimps. We also got a few Pom Pom Crabs :)
#piscesaquaria #neocaridina #shrimptank #freshwatershrimp #shrimphobby #aquascape #natureaquarium #lfs
Come check out our new additions to the display tank here at @pisces_aquaria today.
Today is also the last day of our Potted Plant sale! Have a good weekend and holiday everyone!
#piscesaquaria #plantedtank #lfs #angelfish #aquascape #natureaquarium #tropica #ada #uns #nature