Eugene resident who need animal services to address a found animal, animal at large, animal abuse, etc. The City of Eugene has two Animal Welfare Officers who provide service seven days a week from 9:30 a.m. These two officers have over 30 years of combined experience in the field of animal services. Animal Welfare Officers respond to:
• Dogs at large
• Sick and injured dog
s at large
• Injured or very sick cats at large
• Potentially dangerous dogs
• Found dogs that need to be transported to shelter
• Animal abandonment, abuse and neglect
• Animals left in hot cars
• Dogs off leash
• Barking dogs only as time allows
• Animal Welfare Officers also provide dog licensing and Eugene Animal Code information
Animal Welfare Officers do not respond to calls about healthy feral cats in Eugene. Greenhill Humane Society has a Trap Neuter and Return program for feral cats. For more information call 541-689-1503 or visit and click on Trap Neuter Return Program under Programs and Services. Animal Welfare Officer’s do assist with injured or very sick feral cats. Seriously injured animals are taken to either the Emergency Vet Hospital (541-746-0112) located at 103 W. Q Street in Springfield or Animal Urgent Care (541-485-0761) located at 3845 W. 11th in Eugene. To report a deceased animal in or along the roadway:
Contact City of Eugene Public Works at 541-682-4800
For injured, ill or orphaned wildlife:
Contact Willamette Wildlife Rehabilitation at 541-485-8440
For injured, ill or orphaned birds of prey:
Contact Cascades Raptor Center at 541-485-1320
For other wildlife issues including nuisance wildlife:
Contact the Springfield office of the Oregon State Department of Fish and Game at 541-726-2505.