Do all dogs like petting all the time? The answer is no! To find out if your dog wants to be touched, try the Petting Consent Test:
-Gently pet your dog for 2-3 seconds.
-Observe what they do. Do they lean in for more? Move away? Do nothing? Look for signs that they want you to continue.
Just like with other humans, we can and should wait for consent from our dogs as much as possible. What signs can you see in this video that show that Helena is in a petting mood?
#pettingconsent #touch #no #yes #itsokfordogstosayno #doggieautononomy #blinddogs #shepsky #rockstardogbehavior
Harvey and Desi had a date! π
Dogs socializing with other dogs can look all sorts of ways, including "parallel play." They don't have to be wrestling and throwing down to be having a great time together. Both of these dudes love the water, and hanging out enjoying what they love together makes for a pretty good day. π
What does your dog love? How does your dog socialize? When does your dog learn from other dogs?
#beingsocial #waterdogs #dostufftogether #learnfromeachother #lotsofwaystoplay #altonbakerpark #damnthatwateriscold #rockstarbehavior #rockstardogtraining
2 Dogs = 2 Release Cues?? πβπ¦Ίπβπ¦Ί
I did a little experiment when teaching my dogs their release cues: I taught them different cues! I did this to avoid any confusion, but along the way, I realized more confusion could result.
π§I could accidentally transfer the cue: If Helena always heard "ok," which is Emery's release cue, before "free," which is her release cue, she could start to respond when I say "ok." To change a cue, you say NEW CUE, OLD CUE. This could happen because she is usually released second in order to avoid her clobbering her brother when he comes out the door. #management
π§What if 2024 brings a 3rd dog to our home? (mulling, just mulling). What cue are we going to use for that dog?! A 3rd cue? Or one of the ones we already use? Which one?
I get around this by using their names if I think there will be confusion, and you can tell they're doing great. But I wanna know- what would you use as a cue for a 3rd dog in this situation?? πβπ¦Ίπβπ¦Ίπβπ¦Ί
#damnmydogsarecute #releasethis
What are your dog's favorite behaviors to do while waiting for the vet? π§
Emery finds that practicing his duration nose target passes the time quite nicely. π€©
#vetvisitday #nosetarget #duration #partywhilewewait #rockstarcollie #rockstarbehavior #rockstardogtraining
Lily can be very worried about new people in her space. We've been working on building her confidence and giving her a predictable structure when new folks come over.
In our 8th session, we had a "friendly stranger" come over to help Lily practice. Check out how she chooses to greet him and then disengage from him and head back to dad. No teeth necessary! π
#strangerdanger #predictable #friendlystranger #happyvisit #engage #disengage #dontsayhiwithteeth #rockstarbehavior #rockstardogtraining