PST Monday Dec. 4th, 2023
- 6:00 p.m. PST Monday Dec. 10th, 2023
- Some auction items will be limited to Humboldt county residents due to their size/weight making shipment costs prohibitive. They are marked LOCAL.
- All participants must "like" the auction page prior to placing a bid. If the page is not "liked," certain bids might be invisible due to privacy se
ttings and will not count.
- All bids must be in U.S. currency.
- Bidding must be done in dollar increments. Do not bid in cents.
- No item will be considered sold for less than the opening in bid indicated below each item description.
- Read all item descriptions as items have different opening bid requirements.
- If multiples of the same item are available, the highest bidder will have first choice of taking one, two or all of the items multiplied by their winning bid. If they only choose one item, the second item will go to the second highest bidder and so on. When bidding, indicate whether or not you want multiples of the item.
- Tag team bidding (where several people bid together to help one person win an auction item) is allowed, as long as it's done politely and in accordance to the rest of the auction rules.
- Contact the auction administrator to withdraw a bid or ask any questions about specific items. Anyone caught decreasing or withdrawing bids without administrator permission will be blocked from future auctions. WINNER RULES:
- All highest bidders will be notified within 24 hours of the auction closing.
- Once notified, payment must be received within 24 hours to secure item. Payment can be placed through PayPal at [email protected] Cash or checks from locals/friends are also accepted.
- If payment is not received, the item will then go to the second highest bidder.
- Winners must reimburse shipping costs through paypal once notified of the shipping cost.
- Local only items winners must contact auction administrator for item pick up. All local only items must be picked up as shipping is not available. 760-717-8417 text or phone.