Let’s talk boarding!!! Have you been looking for a place to stay?
We have 8 more spots open for 2024!!
$490/month board
$40/ half hour advanced lessons
$30/ half hour beginner lessons
$45/ full hour beginner lesson
Location: 5300 Heckel Road Evansville Indiana
Contact us today for a tour!!
Our facility includes a insolated big barn with 30 stalls that are 12x12 and 2 larger foaling stalls. All with a sliding door, two water buckets and a bucket for grain and a hay shoot that leads to the hay loft above. This barn has an indoor watering system, a large indoor arena with full sized mirrors on the end and overhead lights.
❄️⭐️ Did we mention it’s insulated!!! Perfect for the upcoming cold season and those riders who want to stay warm! Our indoor stay a comfortable temperature throughout the winter!! ⭐️❄️
* 2 crossties with lights
- Farrier (Riley Vickers) visits once a week and does horses. Personal Farrier may use crossties as well. Workers are willing to come and hold horses for them as well through agreements.
* two tack rooms and a 🔥heated lounge 🔥 that over looks the arena
* area designated for guest and onwatchers of shows and or lesson
- boarders have full access to arena even during lesson times
* All stalls have places for fans and have overhead lights with individual switches and plug ins
- Small Barn:
* 8 stalls that are 12x12 with a sliding door and or stall guards 2 water buckets and a bucket for grain and a hay shoot that leads to the hay loft above.
* large walk way between stalls
* grain and supplement storage area
* hayloft
* 🔥 insolated 🔥
* crosstie wash stall with hot and cold water and lights
* All stalls have places for fans and have overhead lights with individual switches and plug ins
- 4 large sized fields, one with a run in shed
*turn out every day for 6-8 hours depending on weather
- Large grass outdoor arena with lights
- Night watch is available if needed free of charge for emergencies and someone is always at most 15-25 minutes away from the property at all times in case of emergency
- Secure facilities large doors locked during winter and code to get into lounge and tack area.
- We have a handful of cross country jumps as well as showjumping jumps available.
- We will be hosting a total of 7 shows, and multiple learning events for the 2024 seasons as well as one clinic.
-We will be attending and spectating a handful of clinics in 2024.
- give grass hay 2-3 times a day
- feeds grain and supplements two times a day and medication as needed.
*provides sweet feed and grass hay at no extra cost