Another week with layla 😊 Muzzle Free! She will still muzzle in busy public places for now but she is doing amazing she has come so far! 💜 so proud of her!
Recall training with these guys. Unfortunately this privet session was cut a bit short because a guy was stomping, clapping, and whistling at the dogs, got in their faces and pet them! was told MANY times NO and to stop taunting the dogs but still kept on to the point of even following us back to our vehicles while making comments about our clothes! So most of Calis long line time was spent avoiding him and I wasn’t able to record more. My apologies to my clients for having to cut it short but he was not listening to no and it was only goin to escalate from there. Always advocate for your dogs! Taking New Clients!
I have been slacking on posting videos. This is Dracos session from last week and he did great walking in less familiar territory. He was a bit hyper and pulling at first but calmed down an focused. He wasn’t nose to the ground dragging mom along or trying to chase everything in sight 😊 Taking New Clients!
Refresher with Buddy since its been a few weeks since we’ve been able to train. He did great as always. 😊
2nd Privet session with these guys 😊 They all did amazing but I forgot to record pieces of whiskeys walk 😑 oops. Mom also said mackenzie wasn’t fond of new people and she has been sweet as can be. Nothing a few treats and a little time couldn’t fix 😊
Is your dog like Draco? Pulling so hard your arms bruise an turn purple? I can help fix that! Taking new clients now! Please Like, Follow, & Share! 😊
Buddy’s session this week 😊 Hes doing so well becoming more focused on mom and less focused on the squirrels and bunnies. Is your dog struggling??? Trying to pull you down the street during your walk to chase a squirrel? I can help with that! Send me a message and book your session today!
Little miss Bailey has been working on her focus to mom while out walking and has really been doing great! Such a sweet girl! Handling all sizes, ages, and breeds! If you need some help building your dogs focus on you and off of the rest of the world, send me a message! Booking now!