Our dear darling Ronin is just crazy #beautiful! I can hardly stand it! 🩵🥹🩵
#seattle #westcoast #chihuahua #dog #puppy #puppies #puppytiktok #puppiesoftiktok #puppiesofinstagram #gorgeous #longhair #akc #teacupchihuahua #dogs in #beautiful #unique #colors — #redmerle #bluemerle #merle #piebald #bluepoint #redpoint #dilute #chihuahuastiktok #teacupdogs
Baby Merle Chihuahua Man
Our dear darling Ronin is just crazy #beautiful! I can hardly stand it! 🩵🥹🩵
#seattle #westcoast #chihuahua #dog #puppy #puppies #puppytiktok #puppiesoftiktok #puppiesofinstagram #gorgeous #longhair #akc #teacupchihuahua #dogs in #beautiful #unique #colors — #redmerle #bluemerle #merle #piebald #bluepoint #redpoint #dilute #chihuahuastiktok #teacupdogs
Meet our tiny, darling Blue Piebald Boy ~ “River" the smallest of the itty bitty bunch! 🐾🩵
#seattle #westcoast #chihuahua #dog
#puppy #puppies #puppytiktok
#puppiesoftiktok #gorgeous #longhair
#akc #teacupchihuahua #dogs in #beautiful #unique #colors — #redmerle
#bluemerle #merle #piebald #bluepoint
#redpoint #dilute #chihuahuastiktok
#teacupdogs #teacuppuppiesforadoption
#available #availablenow
Beautiful Boy 🐾🥹🩵
Meet our tiny, darling Blue Piebald Boy ~
"River" the smallest of the itty bitty
bunch! 🐾💙🐾💙🐾💙
#seattle #westcoast #chihuahua #dog
#puppy #puppies #puppytiktok
#puppiesoftiktok #gorgeous #longhair
#akc #teacupchihuahua #dogs in #beautiful #unique #colors — #redmerle
#bluemerle #merle #piebald #bluepoint
#redpoint #dilute #chihuahuastiktok
#teacupdogs #teacuppuppiesforadoption
#available #availablenow
Nursing Baby Chihuahua Puppy
#sweet #baby #girl #babygirl #dog Rhiannon #nursing 💗 #teacup #puppies #seattle #westcoast #chihuahua #dog #puppy #puppies #puppytiktok #puppiesoftiktok #gorgeous #longhair #akc #teacupchihuahua #dogs #redmerle #bluemerle #merle #piebald #bluepoint #redpoint #dilute #chihuahuastiktok #teacupdogs #teacuppuppiesforadoption #available #availablenow
Nibbles is a funny lil’ fella 😆 Very glad communicative. And vocal. Lol #shihtzu #shihtzusofinstagram #shihtzupuppy #puppylove #funny #puppy #dog #available #availablenow #talkingdog
Nibbles is a funny lil’ fella 😆 Very glad communicative. And vocal. Lol #shihtzu #shihtzusofinstagram #shihtzupuppy #puppylove #funny #puppy #dog #available #availablenow #talkingdog
Nibbles I S O 🐾🏡❤️ #puppies shihtzu #shihtzulove #puppy #puppiesofinstagram #PuppyLove
#beautiful #AKC #chihuahua parent #dogs, #gorgeous, #phenomenal #puppies!
Nibbles is last puppy. 🥺 Him #sad #boy now. Wanna go #home soon! 🐾🏡❤️ #little #shihtzu #shihtzupuppy #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #puppy #puppylove #good #dog #loveyou Chibabymine Chihuahuas