Seeing people walking their dogs on long lines brings me soooo much joy! And it’s something I encourage for all of my clients. Every dog can benefit from walks with a long line. But you will also hear me constantly talk about how we want to use them in the proper environment - where it’s safe to do so - for you, your dog, and those around you.
Using a long line isn’t about just giving your dog 10-30ft and saying see ya, good luck out there, and holding on for dear life! It’s about setting our dogs up safely and successfully, depending on their needs and the environment around you!
For our dogs, moving their bodies freely and naturally, sniffing, and exploring are all basic needs. These are needs that we should be doing our best to meet regularly and using a long line is one great way to do that. The extra length of the leash allows our dogs to move freely, to make choices, and to bravely observe and explore the environment. And it often decreases pulling because our dogs are able to get those needs met more easily!
Yes, we still want to work on leash skills and engagement. Yes, there are times our dogs need to be close to us. But we can work on all of that while also centering our dog’s needs on their walks and giving them the freedom to be dogs!
If you’re curious about long lines and how to safely use them, reach out!