Update — I am so upset as I write this but Mr. Handsome was humanely euthanized this morning in the presence of the loving team at Cat's Only. We will only do that as a last resort but this poor guy was in very, very bad shape and suffering. He also unfortunately tested positive for both FIV/FELV and his prognosis with best care was poor.
We can take comfort that he was not brutally euthanized by uncaring people in a cold pound...he died with love around him and with dignity. I will add his cremated remains to my stray kitty garden in the Spring and he won't be forgotten. Thank you all for donating...I will use the funds toward the care he received and cremation and anything left will put toward the balance on Peanut's bill... she is thankfully thriving. This is Mr. Handsome. We were alerted to this poor angel who had been unceremoniously dumped at the Paterson Pound two days ago in horrible condition. He minimally has a severe upper respiratory infection, obviously bad eye infections, and had a bleeding wound on his paw. He was a top candidate to be killed for those crimes. He absolutely broke my heart, and we busted him out of there this morning.
He is now at Cats Only in Pennington, hospitalized, and will get any and all medical care he needs. I pulled him out as a leap of faith... no idea if he'll be friendly and adoptable or will need a barn placement when he's better, but I could and would not allow him to be killed for the sake of convenience. Please help us help him.
We are running on no money, having taken in six cats just this week from a fellow rescuer who passed away that also need medical care, as well as our sweet Peanut whose bill we are still paying off. Anything helps. This poor boy looks like he's had a crap life... l'd like to give him the chance to know that not all people suck. Thank you!