If you are interested in being part of the parade...
December 6th
Parade starts at 6:30 PM. Please be a half-hour early.
Parade Theme: Vintage Christmas
Bark Park Theme: Christmas morning 1950s
BTW, A Christmas Story was set in the 1950s. You can choose to pattern your costumes after that movie.
Boys wore jeans with the cuffs rolled up.
Men wore white shirts and ties, a pipe, and a hat
Women wore dresses, gloves, and hats
If neither of those ideas work, you can wear a 1950's pjs, slippers and robe.
If you need ideas or help, I can help. May I suggest adding lights, tinsel, presents or 1950s toys... "you'll shoot your eye out!"
Hula, hoops, spinning tops, dolls, metal toy cars, etc.
I have patterns for all sized dogs, if you want to sew your baby a costume.
Also, Tulare Outlet Mall has a pet store that sells dog pj's for $15
I hope this generates some interest and that you are available to join us for this fun event.