SPRIIIIIIIING IS HERE! 🌸 Do you know what that means?? It’s about time for our city’s water company does the seasonal flush for our water manes pushing chlorine through are manes killing all the bacteria and germs. When the water company does these flushes sediment from that flush can get into our hot water heater tanks at home. Most people don’t know that we, in Fairbanks, have hard water that has many minerals. It’s actually recommended to flush and drain your water heater tank yearly and when the water is harder to flush and drain it more frequently. When not properly maintained over time causes different mineral build ups and sediment in the water tank that will reek total havok on the systems annodes, temperature sensors, and can potentially and eventually if not taken care of can cause the tank to explode. I unfortunately got to witness that at 9th ave. We walked in and it was hot and the hot water heater pressure valve was shooting water out and the tank was whining. If we didn’t catch it when we did that tank was going to blow. When the annodes go out, minerals in the water supply and unfortunately as I have learned the hard way (2 times to be exact) how DAMAGING AND PAINFUL it is on the skin. What the water company didn’t tell me at first, was when there is construction in a area of town those manes are flushed more frequently and in turn during the duration of the construction time there’s more sediment that gets pushed back into our tanks meaning we need to drain and flush more frequently. The pictures and videos of the tank I am about to post the damage to certain elements of the tank aaaaand what’s actually inside the tank that we don’t get to see from just draining and flushing. This tank was drained April of 2023 and then construction started on university and in the beginning of January is when I noticed the issues I was having at 9th ave. Funny enough the summer before I started having the issues at 9th ave was after they did th