Quick Note! Our internet had been a wee bit spotty today - if you are checking in for an appontment and do not receive confirmation from the Customer Service Team, please call the office at 907-452-6055. Thank you for your patience while we sort this out!
This side view of Scar is a great way to see how our under water treadmill works for giving low impact on your dogs joints while providing a high resistance workout.
#auroraanimalhospital #veterinary #Aurora #TeamAurora #Alaska #canineenrichment #animalhospital #caninehealth #canine #fairbanksalaska #dogrehab #dogrehabilitation #caninerehab
Rex fully understands the meaning of slow and steady! Good job buddy.
#animalhealth #caninehealth #canineenrichment #auroraanimalclinic #dogrehabilitation #canine #Aurora #dogrehab #alaska #animalhospital #pitbull
Nothing is going to stop Maggie!
Sharon Ivester
#animalhealth #auroraanimalclinic #caninerehabilitation #goodjob #animalhealthcare #alaska #veterinarymedicine #fairbanksalaska #labrador #labradorretriever #labsofinstagram
Food Bank Food Drive Raffle Drawing - our winners have been notified!!
We want to thank you all for your donations for the Food Bank, and congratulations to our raffle winners!
Sheba's Food Drive Update
Our 4th week of the Food Drive brought in 187.4 pounds!! This brings our running total to 537.4
pounds! Sheba is excited to see what our last week will bring, we only need 462.6 pounds to meet our goal!
The last day to drop off your donations is Friday, December 30th! Our raffle box drawings will be on Monday, January 2nd.
Kristoff was ready for his super close up!
(Owner Tatianna Krueger)
Another new face around here! Met this cute little guy, Kristoff the hedgehog, and his mom Tatianna Krueger today!
We are having so much fun meeting all your pets and not just the ones that bark or meow!
AAC's Fairbanks Food Bank Food Drive Raffle Drawing with Ahren and the clinic cat, Tommy!
Our two winners have been notified, but we want to thank EVERYONE who donated!
Milo’s wheels!
Meet Milo, this adorable guy unfortunately had a disc protrusion in his spine (IVDDz) and has been seeing us for rehabilitation therapy. He recently got a wheelchair and came in for a fitting & seemed SO thrilled to be able to cruise around on his own 😁 #walkinwheels #happydog #nothinggonnastopmenow
It’s your favorite day of the week!! Tommy is learning to model while staying in one place 📸
All cats live on the wild side - even the clinic cats 🐱 #tommytuesday
We would like to introduce you to Dakai and share some exciting news! Dakai was hit by a car around Hallowe'en and broke her back. She was completely paralyzed, could not control her bladder or bowels and could not feel her legs. She has been an intensive patient with Aurora K9 Sports Medicine, spending 6 days a week in our underwater treadmill, getting laser treatments, etc. Last week we were pretty excited to see that she has regained bladder control, we caught her standing on her own in her kennel three times and she has started to use her legs somewhat in the treadmill! When she first started treadmill work, she would drag her legs behind her, but her body refuses to give up & look at her now! We hope that with continued care and treatment that she may someday be able to walk again.