I've been in (1) hospital (2) rehab & (3) friends care since July 5th, when I fell at a client's house and broke my left femur and left arm above the wrist. I always hoped for time off from work but not this way. I've had time to watch 2 seasons (5 to go) of Orange is the new black. Oh My! and the DNC. Both have exciting moments but I''ll put my vote for Crazy Eyes. I get up a few times a day and do my leg exercises and reach for my walker to get to the bathroom and not fall. Hopes are to send me home mid-Sept. with only need to use my "Tim" Cane and no more walker! Then be back at visiting my kitty clients by Oct. 1st. Just have to cut out any flights of stairs where there are no railings. Time for me to start thinking Safety First and how to get up and down off the floor when playing with cats. We must hire 10 new sitters by end of Sept to be able to cover through the holidays. Chris and I swear we will not each take 12-16 visits per day from Dec 12-31, as we have over the past 4 years so telling current clients to book now if they are 80% sure they need us, book in advance now. Being sick is much worse than recouping and working to regain strength so I am thankful for that issue and apologize to any client we have to say No Sitters are available at this time so MAKE A PLAN B. Hope my next update will be all good news and back to seeing our kitty clients. Best to everyone.