Making A Swarm Trap from a Five Gallon Bucket
5-gallon bucket with lid
old wax, propolis, bee body parts, etc. (slum glue)
disposable gloves
old paint brushes
7/8” paddle bit
1/8” drill bit
old comb
lemon grass oil (lure)
Swarm Commander (lure) optional
1. Melt slum gum in an old, never to be used again pot or slow cooker.
2. Paint the inside of the bucket and underside of the lid with slum gum.
3. Do not paint wax in lid slots or on buckets lip.
4. Under lip of bucket drill 8 holes with small bit (1/8”)
5. Using the same bit, drill 8 holes in the bottom of the bucket.
6. Do not drill holes in the lid.
7. Just below the lip of the bucket, use the paddle bit to drill a hole. This is the entrance for the bees.
8. Paint around the bee entrance with slum gum.
9. Place old comb and lure inside the bucket. Put the lid on tightly.
Voila! You now have a swarm bucket.
Hanging your Bucket
1. Find a tree with a crotch that is 5-8 feet from the ground and a short, but strong branch to slide the bucket handle over.
2. Slide the bucket over the branch.
3. Using bungee cords, rope, straps, etc. attach your bucket to the tree. This is to stabilize the bucket and to keep it from swinging in the wind.