A one year old bald eagle was set free yesterday morning at Pricketts Fort in Fairmont after months of rehabilitation. Cassie Moore, one of our wildlife biologist volunteers, did the release with several other volunteers on hand. This eagle was hit by a train south of Parkersburg, WV. We normally release birds where they were found but this is an exception. It's mating season and nesting raptors aggressively defend their territories. It could possibly be attacked by an adult eagle, even it's parents. It is very common for first year bald eagles to travel hundreds of miles from their nest site and be nomadic for several years until they become sexually mature. He was strong and healthy weighing in at a bit under ten pounds. Good luck big fellow and stop playing with trains.
This young red-tailed hawk was picked up early this year by one of our volunteers who happened to have spotted the hawk on the side of the interstate with obvious head trauma. He made a complete recovery and was ready to get back out to the wild. On Wednesday, he was released by Michaela, the very volunteer who brought him in.