Chunky Monkey,
A rabbit full of personality that we will miss dearly. Chunky Monkey passed away peacefully, surrounded by her sister, Young Mag, and her mother, Maggie, at our Rabbitry on February 16, 2025. She is preceded in death by her father, Harley. Chunky Monkey was born on October 11, 2022. She was a bunny we never meant to keep, but when she wasn't adopted before I studied abroad, my mother fell in love with her and took care of Chunky Monkey. As her name fits, she was spoiled and loved. She became my mother’s rabbit. When we announced our closure, she remained one of the six we would keep until her last day (she was the youngest). Little did we know that day came sooner than we ever expected. She was nothing more than a pet. Chunky Monkey, you will be missed.
Rest In Peace,
10/11/2022 — 02/16/2025 (Approximately 2 years, 4 months, and 5 days old).