It isn’t cool anymore 😑
Let’s let the sparkly-eyed wonder toward this die off:
“Training” horses at a rapid pace ⚡️ you know, like starting a c**t to ride in a couple hours, then standing on his back to crack a bullwhip.
There’s this sense of wonder, amazement and respect toward trainers who can get things done FAST…
Meanwhile, the horse is showing every sign of stress (even while doing the desired behavior), like triangulation of the eye, head held high, tension in the body, flared nostrils, snorting, standing frozen, or eyes glazed over.
Sure, the trainer is loping him around dragging a tarp today…
But that doesn’t mean this will be safe or possible in a week.
Because right now?
That horse doesn’t feel safe. He isn’t accepting and relaxed…
***He’s in a freeze response*** waiting to explode when the moment is right—usually when a less experienced person handles him (or, with extended forceful training, he may shut down long-term, those eyes remaining lifeless and dull).
❌ Don’t be fooled by quick, flashy training
✅ Do understand both the obvious and subtle signs of distress (otherwise known as calming signals)
Speed isn’t impressive. What’s admirable to us is:
🌱 Being *thorough* rather than fast
🌱 Staying below the fear threshold
🌱 The horse feeling relaxed and enthusiastic throughout the session
🌱 Training results last long-term, rather than producing flashy yet fleeting outcomes
🌱 The horse is excited to train again the next day
Training fast (i.e. using force and flooding) is a skill, to be sure… but, we believe it’s less of a skill than training ethically, which requires keen observational skills, enormous amounts of education, empathy, patience, and compassion, at the very least.
Ethical trainers make it look like they just have an “easy” horse. The session won’t have you on the edge of your seat; it’ll be gradual. Peaceful. Relaxed.
And the horse will happily participate ♥️ with an unguarded presence, excitement for what’s next, and a sparkle in his eye ✨
Which do you prefer?
— written by the MM team 💫