Daichi had his first taste of food tonight! He took to it right away 💖
Mocha (Kai Ken) having some fun in between training clients today ❤️
Kibo is back to practicing agility for the first time since her “maternity leave” 😍 For those in the NW Ohio area, you can come see the new Zoom Room Dog Training on August 6-7 for our grand opening pawty! There will be games, contests, raffles, and $5 agility classes all weekend… and you’ll get to meet a Hokkaido!
Yoshi is being a good boy guarding the puppy pen outside while I’m inside cleaning the dogs’ room 😘
A bit of training with Bo Bo today 🥰
The puppies are learning to love affection and they start crawling closer whenever they are getting pet 🥰
Kibo really yelled “NO!” at me when I told her to come inside from the snow 🙄
Brin says Fetch = Life lol 😂❤️
Brin (Arashi x Yasu) is here for a week of socialization and training ❤️
Some obedience practice at the park with Yoshi!
Blue (from litter B) started her agility training ❤️ She leaves for Maryland next week!
Facebook won't let me attach photos and videos to the same post, but here's the puppies crossing the swing bridge ❤️
Mom's tail makes the best tug toy.
The babies ate their first solid meal today! Litter B took to the puppy mush so much better than litter A (who sniffed it, stepped in it, and walked back over to nurse on mom lol).
Little Yusha learned how to teeter today! This was taught completely by 13 year old Kiran :)
Some Hokkaido puppy cuteness to brighten everyone's day 💕