I made this last night for my younger sister. I really like the way it turned out so I'm going to make a few in different colors for the next auction
I have been waiting for this bond. Chaco (the black) is the other lead gelding with most of the mares in his band. He usually runs Yava and Smokey away from them. Tonight I looked out my bedroom window and caught this. They have been playing like this for quite a while. The mares all walked around them and went to the hay. Finally!!! Cool pic in comments
How can you not love this? I love my boys!! Smokey Joe has come a long way. He let's me pet him and loves his carrots. (yes, it's December in West Texas. Not a lot of grass, but they always have at least one big bales, if not 2, to eat)
Several dogs FREE TO GOOD HOME!! I have been working as hard as I can to redo the backyard, and it was actually looking good...from the door. They've done this over the past few days since the rain. The one hole is deep but not close enough to the fence to escape. Ugh
The Alpine boys joined up with the herd over night. I saw them in the distance early this morning and when it warmed up I decided to go see how everyone was doing. When they heard my voice Black Jack started trotting towards me. We were doing good until the Alpha lead mare for the herd came flying past me and backed them off. Not sure if she thought they were going to hurt me or what. Everyone looks fine and there's lots of fresh grass everywhere after the latest rains
I went out to see how they were doing and they were just standing by their pen. Yava always comes to me, so I called him and took them for a walk to the other side. I love these boys. The trust they have in me is priceless
The meeting was called to order
The mustangs have found some great eats in the north pastures and this is the first time I've seen them up close in a few days. I watch them through binoculars most of the time