Good morning from Avenger (who always talks with his mouth full) and P Man (who avoids eye contact with the camera).
Mother Natures weaving between fall weather and winter weather. Yesterday was warm and more comfortable but ended with sleet and then another 2” of snow. Tomorrow’s forecast is high 40s with heavy rain… enter MUD! Weather is so SO important for us to stay ahead of or atleast try. Temperature swings are very hard on all. The body adapts and regulates to one and can’t always adapt to a quick change. Trying to change out wet bedding is hard to stay on top of as most are constantly going in and out and tracking in wet stuff! Blankets on the elderly or compromised are on and off, on and off. Ya, we are venting a bit… 😬
Good thing we have mostly smiley, happy faces to greet us and that makes the hard stuff much easier to push through!